Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1957-11, Ordinance 978


Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Kirkpatrick's Addition to the City of Lebanon, Oregon; running thence North along the East line of the Alley through Block 4, Kirkpatrick's Second Addition and to the South line of Block 3, Kirkpatrick's Second Addition, thence East to the SE Corner of said Block 3, thence North along the East line of said Block 3 to the South line of Wheeler Street, thence East along said street lien 246.86', thence North 1° 54' W. 210.11' to a point 150' North of the North line of Wheeler Street, thence East parallel to said street line to the Easterly boundary of the City of Lebanon, thence Southeasterly along the Easterly city boundary to the NE corner of Block 4, Kirkpatrick's Third Addition, thence Westerly along the North line of Block 4, said addition, the North line of Lots 4, 7 and 11 in Block 3, said addition, the North line of Lots 4 and 11, Block 2, said addition, and the North line of Lot 1, block 5, Kirkpatrick's addition to the place of beginning