Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1930-02, Ordinance 404


Ascertain and Determine the Cost of that Certain 8: Lateral Sewer Which the Council of the City of Lebanon, Oregon, heretofore Caused to be Laid Elmore Street from a Point Where the Main Trunk Sewer Crosses Said Elmore Street and Running Thence Easterly 690', more or less to the Alley in Block 2, Queen Anne Addition to the City of Lebanon; to Ascertain, Assess, Determine and Declare the Proportionate Share of the Cost of Such Improvement to be Assessed Against Each Lot, or Part Thereof, Abutting Upon and Especially Benefited by Said Sewer; to Declare that the Engineering and Legal and Advertising Against the Property Abutting Upon and Especially Benefited Thereby; and to Direct the City Recorder of aid City to Enter a Statement of Such Assessment in the Docket of City Liens as Provided by Charter of said City