Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1936-16


Sell Real Property for $4,132.94 Described as: Lot 7, Block 1, J. M. Ralston's Third Additionto Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. Lot 4, Block 18, Ralston's Second Addition to Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. Beginning at a point 60 feet East and 19 rods and 3 feet South of the Southeast corner of Block One in the Town (now city) of Lebanon in Linn County, Oregon, running thence East 290 feet, thence North 60 feet, thence West 290 feet, thence South 60 feet, to the place of beginning, containing a fractional acre in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; ALSO Beginning at a point 60 feet East and 19 rods and 3 feet South of the Southeast corner of Block One in the Town (now City) of Lebanon in Linn County, Oregon, running thence South 14 rods to the Southwest corner of the land of grantor, thence East to grantor's South line 22 rods and 6/7 ths of a rod, thence North 14 rods, thence West 22 rods and 6/7 ths of a rod to the place of beginning, containing two acres in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon, ALSO Beginning at a point 60 feet East and 256.50 feet South of the Southeast corner of Block One in the Town {now City} of Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon, said beginning point being the Northwest corner of the land of L.A. Crandall, running thence North 60 feet, thence East to the right-of-way of the Lebanon and Santiam Canal as conveyed by grantors by deed recorded on page 553 in Volume 80 of Deed Records for Linn County, Oregon, thence following the meanders of said right-of-way in a Southwesterly direction to a point due East of the place of beginning, thence West to the place of beginning, containing a fraction of an acre in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; EXCEPT right-of-way sold to the O & C R.R. Co., and right-of-way for the Lebanon and Santiam Canal