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EQC20051021 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00:38 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes 10/21/2005 Environmental Quality Commission Meeting October 21, 2005 DEQ Headquarters Room 3a 811 SW 6'h Ave, Portland, Oregon Beginning at noon and ending at 1:00 p.m. on June 21, the Commission will hold an executive session to consult with counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current and potential litigation against the Department. Executive session is held pursuant to ORS 192.660(l)(h). Only representatives of the media may attend, and media representatives may not report on any deliberations during the session. Friday, October 21- regular meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. A. Adoption of Minutes The Commission will review, amend if necessary, and approve draft minutes of the August 11 & 12, 2005, Environmental Quality Commission meeting. B. Informational Item: Oregon Solutions Greg Wolf, National Policy Consensus Center at Portland State University, and Pete Dalke, DEQ, will present information to the Commission on Oregon Solutions; an organization which fosters community governance based on collaboration, integration and sustainability. C. Contested Case: No. WQ/OS-ER-04-070 concerning John Richard Fleming The Commission will consider a contested case in which John Richard Fleming appealed a proposed order and $4,200 civil penalty for violations pertaining to sewage disposal. The Commission will hear statements on behalf of Mr. Fleming and the DEQ at this meeting. D. Contested Case: No. WQ/OS-ER-04-072 concerning Glenn Martin Fleming and Barbara Chapman Fleming The Commission will consider a contested case in which Glenn Martin Fleming and Barbara Chapman Fleming appealed a proposed order and $1,263 civil penalty for violations pertaining to sewage disposal. The Commission will hear statements on behalf of Mr. Fleming and the DEQ at this meeting. E. Informational Item: Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Dennis Murphey, DEQ Chemical Demilitarization Program Administrator, will give an update on the status of recent activities at the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (UMCDF). F. Informational Item: Mac's Radiator, and Northwest Automotive Trades Association, EPA award winners The Commission will recognize Macs Radiator, recipient of the EPA 2004 National Small Business Environmental Leader in Pollution Prevention Award and The Northwest Automotive Trades Association, recipient of the EPA 2005 National Environmental Industry Leadership Award. G. Director's Dialogue Stephanie Hallock, DEQ Director, will discuss cun-ent events and issues involving the Department and the state with Commissioners. H. Public Forum Members of the public are invited to request time before the Commission during this agenda item by filling out a public forum request form and turning it in to Cathy Skaar ahead of time. ** I. Action Item: Pollution Control Facility Tax Credit The Department will present recommendations to the Commission on final certification of 13 facilities as well as alternate action on several other certificates. J. Commissioners' Report Adjourn Future Environmental Quality Commission meeting dates for 2005 include: December 22-23 Portland