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EQCMinutes20041021 1 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00:40 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes 10/21/2004 10/22/2004 deq 9-2004 Environmental Quality Commission Meeting October 21-22, 2004 Joint meeting with Board of Forestry A. Approval of Minutes 9:05 - 9:25 B. Action Item: Mass Load Policy Interpretation- City of Salem Wastewater Treatment Facility, Mike Kortenhof and Mark Hamlin C. Contested Case No. AQ/AB-NWR-03-099 regarding Vladimir Petrovich Ozemga Break D. Contested Case No. AQ/AB-NWR-03-134 regarding William M. McClannahan Public Forum E. Informational Item: Overview of Proposed Changes in Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Rules, Anne Price and Jane Hickman Lunch F. Director's Dialogue G. Informational Item: UMCDF Update, Dennis Murphey H. Informational Item: Portland Area Carbon Monoxide Plan and the Oxygenated Fuel Requirement, Annette Liebe, David Collier and Dave Nordberg Including a public comment opportunity Break I. Rule Adoption: Pollution Control Facilities Tax Credit Permanent Rules, Helen Lottridge and Maggie Vandehey Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Tax Credit Certification, Helen Lottridge and Maggie Vandehey Including a comment opportunity for PGE K. Commissioners' Reports