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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00:50 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes 9/28/2000 /29/2000 deq 15-2000 DEQ 15-2000, F. & CERT. EF. 10-11-00 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING Notes: September 28-29, 2000 A. Approval of Minutes Friday, September 29, 2000 Beginning at 8:30 a.m. B. Consideration of Request for Preliminary Certification on Tax Credit No. 5009: Portland General Electric Company's Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation at the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant site in Rainier C. Consideration of Tax Credit Requests D. Informational Item: Update from the Department's Chemical Demilitarization Program E. Informational Item: Update on the May Incident at the Tooele Chemical Agent / · Disposal Facility (TOCDF) at Tooele, Utah F. Rule Adoption: .Public Participation in Permit Process Rules G. Rule Adoption: Klamath Falls Carbon Monoxide (CO) Maintenance Plan H. Rule Adoption: On-Board Diagnostic (OBDll) Vehicle Emission Test Method I. Action Item: Possible Commission action on the Petition filed by NEDC et al. for reconsideration of the civil penalty assessed by the Department against Smurfit News Print Corp. 1 :00 p.m.: There will be Public Comment on Agenda Item J Only J. Action Item: Standards, Criteria, Policy Directives and Hiring Procedures to be Used in Hiring the Director ofthe Department of Environmental Quality K. Action Item: Appointment of an Interim Director L. Commissioners' Reports M. Director's Report • Update on the Blue H~ron Permit • Update on the Wah Chang - Albany (Oremet) Permit