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EQC19910426 Minutes 1 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:16 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 8-1991, f. & cert. ef. 5-16-91 DEQ 8-1991, f. & cert. ef. 5-16-91 DEQ 31-1991, f. & cert. ef. 12-20-91 environmental quality commission eqc minutes april 26, 1991 4/26/91 april 25, 1991 4/25/91 Approved __ Approved with corrections __ Corrections made MINUTES ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL APPROVED BY THE EOC ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Minutes of the Two Hundred and Eleventh Meeting March 11, 1991 Regular Meeting The Environmental Quality Commission regular meeting was convened at about 8:35 a.m. on Thursday, March 11, 1991, in Conference Room 3a of the Department of Environmental Quality Offices at 811 S. W. 6th Avenue in Portland, Oregon. Commission members present were: Chair Bill Hutchison, Vice Chair Emery Castle, and Commissioners Bill Wessinger, Carol Whipple, and Henry Lorenzen. Also present were Michael Huston of the Attorney General's Office, Director Fred Hansen of the Department of Environmental Quality and Department staff. NOTE: Staff reports presented at this meeting, which contain the Department's recommendations, are on file in the Office of the Director, Department of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. Written material submitted at this meeting is made a part of this record and is on file at the above address. These written materials are incorporated into the minutes of the meeting by reference. Chair Hutchison opened the meeting by asking people to turn in a registration form if they wished to present testimony on any item on the agenda. He expressed intent to take the agenda in order, with the possible exception of one item that was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. Consent Items The following items were listed on the agenda as Consent Items: A. Approval of Minutes of the January 31. 1990 BOC Meeting A draft of the minutes was circulated to the Commission prior to the meeting. B. Approval of Tax Credit Applications The Department recommended that approval be granted on Pollution Control Facility Tax Credit applications as follows: TC-2036 Praegitzer Industries, luc. Fume scrubber, ducting, wiring and wastewater plumbing. TC-2310 Boise Cascade Corporation TC-2326 International Paper Co. TC-2411 Dow Coming Corporation TC-2476 Weyerhaeuser Company TC-2533 Ernest & Ruth Glaser TC-2576 Boise Cascade Corporation TC-2680 Bill Terpening, Inc. TC-2794 Dennis Wirth TC-2$55 Linnton Plywood Assoc. TC-2965 Frank Lumber Company TC-3069 Metrofueling, Inc. TC-3073 Metrofueling, Inc. TC-3198 Merritt Truax, Inc. TC-3211 Merritt Truax, Inc. TC-3214 G & R Seeds TC-3281 David A. Doerfler TC-3282 David A. Doerfler Landfill bentonite clay liner. Modification and expansion of electrostatic precipitator. Modification to baghouse; installation of fan/ductwork; modification of furnace hood. Electrified filter bed; fine dust control system. Field flamer tandem axle attached to Cal gas tank. Landfill leachate conveyance system. Installation of one fiberglass tank and piping,' cathodic protection on four existing steel tanks and piping, spill containment basins, float vent valves, tank monitor, monitoring wells and line leak detectors. Straw storage shed. Installation of cathodic protection on four steel tanks and piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor and monitoring wells. Bark recovery and preparation facility. Installation of leak detection and overfill prevention on four underground storage tanks in the form of automatic tank gauges and overfill alarm. Installation of leak detection and overfill prevention on five underground storage tanks in the form of automatic tank gauges and overfill alarm. Installation of leak detection and overfill prevention on four underground storage tanks in the form of automatic tank gauges and overfill alarm. Installation of leak detection and overfill prevention on five underground storage tanks in the form of automatic tank gauges and overfill alarm. Installation of drainage tile. Kello-Built disc 29'; John Deere loader; dump rake 36'. 1977 International tractor; 4450 John Deere tractor; Ford 60FW tractor; 1985 Peterbilt truck; 1984 Freightliner truck; and 3 trailers. TC-3283 John Duerst TC-3284 John Duerst TC-3286 Dennis D. Wirth TC-3289 P-M Ranch, Inc. TC-3292 Ken W. Eichler TC-3296 Edwin J. Rohner TC-3297 Pimm Farms, Inc. TC-3298 Pimm Farms, Inc. TC-3299 Howard Schwanke TC-3300 Oak Creek Farms, Inc. TC-3305 Shirtcliff Oil Company TC-3308 Don and Laura Christensen TC-3309 G & P Farms TC-3310 Roy A. Bowers & Sons, Inc. TC-3311 Clyde Montgomery TC-3313 Jim's Market TC-3315 Bill Terpening, Inc. TC-3316 Truax Corporation, Inc. Kello-Built disc 29; John Deere loader; dump rake 36'. 1977 International tractor; 4450 John Deere tractor; Ford 60FW tractor; 1985 Peterbilt truck; 1984 Freightliner truck; and 3 trailers. Ford tractor; John Deere flail chopper. Straw storage shed. Straw storage shed. Straw storage shed. Ford tractor; Bearcat II Steiger tractor. Three New Holland 858 round balers; Rugby 70 bale mover. 505 New Holland baler; GMC 16' flatbed truck. Ford TW-35 tractor. Installation of seven fiberglass tanks and piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor system, turbine leak detectors, an overfill alarm and monitoring wells. Straw storage shed. 24' straw rake. Straw storage shed. Straw storage shed. Installation of three fiberglass tanks and piping, spill containment basins, float vent valves, monitoring/ observation wells and underground preparation of the site for a tank monitor. New installation of five fiberglass tanks and piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor, float vent valves, overfill alarm, line leak detectors, breakaways, sumps, oil/water separator, Stage I & Stage II vapor recovery equipment and piping and monitoring wells. Installation of one fiberglass/steel composite tank, fiberglass piping, cathodic protection anodes, spill containment basins, line leak detectors and automatic shutoff valves. TC-3317 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3319 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3320 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3321 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3322 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3323 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3328 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3331 Truax Corporation, Inc. TC-3350 Peter Kry! TC-3351 Wilson Motors, Inc. TC-3352 Western Stations Co., Inc. TC-3353 Powell Dist. Co., Inc. TC-3354 Everett E. Miles, Jr. Installation of cathodic protection on three steel tank and piping systems. Installation of epoxy tank lining in one tank and a spill containment basin. Installation of epoxy tank lining in four steel tanks, spill containment basins and automatic shutoff valves. Installation of cathodic protection anodes on four tanks and piping, spill containment basins, line leak detectors and automatic shutoff valves. Installation of fiberglass piping in four tank systems, spill containment basins and line leak detectors. Installation of epoxy tank lining in three tanks, spill containment basins and automatic shutoff valves. Installation of three fiberglass/steel composite tanks, fiberglass piping, spill containment basins, line leak detectors, automatic shutoff valves, sumps and monitoring wells. Installation of three fiberglass/steel composite tanks, fiberglass piping, cathodic protection anodes, spill containment basins, line leak detectors, sumps and monitoring wells. Installation of epoxy lining in one steel tank and spill containment basins. Installation of epoxy tank lining, cathodic protection on tanks and piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor and monitoring wells. Installation of two STI-P3 tanks and one dual containment double wall steel/plastic composite tank, fiberglass piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor, float vent valves, overfill alarm, monitoring wells and Stage I & II vapor recovery equipment and piping. Installation of plastic/steel composite tanks, double wall fiberglass piping, spill containment basins, tank monitor, line leak detectors and piping for Stage II vapor recovery. Installation of four STI-P3 tanks, fiberglass piping, spill containment basins, float vent valves, tank monitor, line leak detectors and monitoring wells. Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Rule Amendments Relating to Charging a Fee for Yard Debris Collection Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Proposed Amendments to On-Site Sewage Disposal Permit Fees Proposed Adoption of Rule Amendments to the Hazardous Waste and Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Rules Proposed Adoption of Rules for Ranking Inventory of Hazardous Substance Sites Portland Airoort Noise Abatement Plan: Commission Aooroval Approval of Amendment to the Previously Approved Alternative Plan for Alleviating a Health Hazard in North Albany Aru>roval of Amendment to the METRO Order on Solid Waste Reduction Review of the State/EPA Agreement (SEA) for FY 92 Mining Rules Bergsoe, St. Helens -- Portland Sludge Spreading on Range Laud in Eastern Oregon Portland Permit Storm Water Permits Multi-Media Inspections Combined Sewers Generally Motion by Boise Cascade Corporation for an Order Identifying Issues in the Contested Case on NPDES Permit No. 100715 Issued to the City of St. Helens City of Portland Clean River Program Emergency Response: Discussion and Status and Capability Operating Plan and Strategic Plan: Update and Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State of Oregon ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA WORK SESSION ·· April 25, 1991 DEQ Conference Room 3a 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 1:00 p.m. Review of Air Quality Program Charges for Recycling: General Discussion Water Quality Standards: Review of Issues and Status Report on Triennial Review Process Combined Sewer Overflow Strategy: Overview and General Discussion Proposed Stipulated Order for Portland: Summary of Order and Public Comments NOTE: The purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the above items. The Commission will not be making decisions at the work session. REGULAR MEETING -- April 26, 1991 DEQ Conference Room 3a 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 8:30 a.m. Consent Items NOTE: These are routine items that may be acted upon without public discussion. If any item is of special interest to the Commission or sufficient need for public comment is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. When a rulemaking hearing is authorized, a public hearing will be scheduled and held to receive public comments. Following the hearing, the item will be returned to the Commission for consideration and final adoption of rules. When rules are proposed for final adoption as Consent Items, a hearing has been held, no significant issues were raised, and no changes are proposed to the original draft that was authorized for hearing. A. Approval of Minutes of the March 7-8, 1991 EQC Meeting - 2 - B. Approval of Tax Credit Applications C. Authorization for Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Rules D. Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Rules for Hazardous Waste Fees, Hazardous Waste Generator Registration, and Hazardous Waste Reporting E. Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Industrial Waste Permit Fees F. Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Proposed Rules Describing the Process for Establishment of Instream Water Right Flows for Pollution Abatement G. Authorization for Rulemaking Hearing on Proposed Modification to Grant Relief from the Continous Emission Monitoring Requirements for Small Sources in the Medford AQMA Rule Adoptions NOTE: Hearings have already been held on these Rule Adoption items; therefore any testimony received will be limited to comments on changes proposed by the Department in response to hearing testimony. The Commission also may choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. H. Proposed Adoption of Amendment to the Industrial Volatile Organic Compount (VOC) Rules for Portland Ozone Non-Attainment Area I. Proposed Adoption of Rules for Stage II Vapor Recovery J. Proposed Adoption of Rules on Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Grants Action Items K. Request for Extension of a Variance from Rules Prohibiting Open Burning of Solid Waste, (OAR 340-16-040(2)) for 19 Disposal Sites L. Request by Oremet Titanium for an Increase in Permitted Discharge Limitations for Total Dissolved Solids Information Items M. Commission Member Reports: (Oral Reports) • Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board - 3 - N. Director's Report (Oral Report) 0. Legislative Update (Oral Report) Public Forum This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Commission on environmental issues and concerns not a part of the agenda for this meeting. Individual presentations will be limited to 5 minutes. The Commission may discontinue this fomm after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. Because of the uncertain length of time needed, the Commission may deal with any item at any time in the meeting except those set for a specific time. Anyone wishing to be heard on any item not having a set time should arrive at the beginning of the scheduled meeting to avoid missing any item of interest. The next Commission meeting is tentatively scheduled on Friday, June 14, 1991, at DEQ offices in Portland, Oregon. A brief work session is tentatively scheduled at the same location on June 13, 1991. Copies of the staff reports on the agenda items are available by contacting the Director's Office of the Department of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229-5395, or toll-free 1-800-452-4011. Please specifY the agenda item letter when requesting. April 11, 1991