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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:21 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 42-1990, f. 12-13-90, cert. ef. 1-2-91 DEQ 24-1990, f. & cert. ef. 7-6-90 DEQ 34-1990, f. 8-20-90, cert. ef. 9-1-90 DEQ 26-1990, f. & cert. ef. 7-6-90 DEQ 20-1990, f. & cert. ef. 6-7-90 DEQ 38-1990, f. & cert. ef. 9-17-90 DEQ 21-1990, f. & cert. ef. 7-6-90 DEQ 18-1990, f. & cert. ef. 6-7-90 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes May 25, 1990 5/25/90 3:00 p.m. State of Oregon ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA WORK SESSION -- May 24, 1990 Newport City Council Chambers 810 S. W. Alder City Hall, Newport, Oregon 3:00 p.m. 1. Strategic Plan: Discussion of Final Recommendations for Plan 4:00 p.m. 2. Non-Criteria (Toxic) Air Pollutant Rules: Background Discussion · · ~• -,s,.,. ,.. riL "0'° ..\o !' ·".j--o', ,,.. ~ s•• "" 4:45 p.m. 3. 1991-93 Budget Request: D1scuss1on ,...- G"" ~ ._ "-. .......- "-'' $"' ~ .l_,_. ..vo ~ NOTE: The purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity fbr in/annal discussion of the above ite1ns. The Commission will not be 1naking decisions at the work session. NOTE: The Commission will visit Forest Practice Operations and the Agate Beach Landfill on the way "to Ne.,vport on May 24, 1990. The Commision and staff will have dinner at about 6:00 p.m at the Sylvia Beach Hotel in Newport, and will discuss recent travels following dinner. A. Consent Items REGULAR MEETING -- May 25, 1990 Newport City Council Chambers 810 S. W. Alder City Hall, Newport, Oregon 8:30 a.m. NOTE: These routine items that may be acted upon as a group without public discussion. If any item is of special interest to the Com1nission or sufficient need for public comment is indicated, the Chainnan may hold any item over for discussion. When a rule1naking hearing is authorized, a public hearing will be scheduled and held to receive public comments. Following the hearing, the ite1n will be returned to the Com1nission for consideration and final adoption of rules. When rules are proposed for final adoption as Consent Ite1ns, a hearing has been held, no significant issues were raised, and no changes are proposed to the original draft that was authorized for hearing. 1. Minutes of the April 17, 1990 Meeting 2. Approval of Tax Credit Applications 3. Authorfaation ()f Ru,lemaking Hearings Stage II Vapor Recovery for Air Quality ControL in the Po)rtland Metfopolitan Area b . .. Toxics Use Reduction and hazardous Waste Reduction RUies (IU3 3515) ' ·, ,' . ., ' ... _.- ' ·.-_ .-- --- - 4. Adoption of Rule~ (Nc;i change~ .are proposed as a resulloftlle nrleμlak(nghe~ring:) '·' . " a. Groundwater: Proposed Adoption of interim numerical standards for maximum measureable levels of contaminants· ' '• . b. water Quality Permit fees: Proposed Industrial Source Fee increase to help fund grounwater program c. Water Quality Rules: adoption of rule changes affecdting permits and approvals for industrial and agricultural sources . . d. Sewerage works construction Public Forum This is an. opporf!iiiiiy_.fo_r_ --~iti~ens_fQ. spedk'.to .,.ihe _ .901Tmiistti()n- ·<?n_ -~i:~ironm-~r,ztal --~siie$ __ riitrJ -c_O~~emi ;n·o(a-_;P~-:-of-lhe agenda for this. me_'eting. .-: .bzifiv_iduat -pre$entati?ns. -will be :lit,nlted __ ·to 5 -mi'1.ii,tes_ . ., Th~ ·cor~11n1ssio1J -·may. d{scoh~in~J.e lb is fomm after a reasonable lime if an exceptionally la'.'W' number ·'?f spealw; wish to •appear.. . . Action Items B. State/EPA Agreement: EQC Review of Department Recommendations· air quality state implementation plan; adoption of amendments to lrapa rules title 15 enforcement procedures and civil penalties as revision to oregon sip revolving loan fund: proposed adoption of temporary rules and authorization for hearing on permanent rules to address problems encoutnered in initial program implementation and 1989 legislative amendments E. Gold Mining (ContinuedDiscussipnfromLastM~eting) .. ·.. · possible policy guidance on permit issuance and permit conditions Rule Adoptions F. Emission Exceedances: New Rule to Regulate Excess emissions Due to startup, shutdown, or malfunction situations G. Infectious Waste: Proposed Adoption of Rules to Implement 1989 Legislation Limiting Disposal and Requiring Incineration or Other Sterilization Before Disposal H. UST Rules: Proposed Adoption of Federal UST Technical Standards and Financial Responsibility Rules; and Local Program Delegation I. Permit Public Notice Procedures: Proposed Adoption of Rule Amendments J. Water Quality Permit Fees: Proposed Municipal Source Fee Increase to Help Fund Groundwater Program, Pretreatment Program and Sludge Program Informational Items K. Commission Member Reports: • Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board (Sage) L. Legislative Update (Oral Status Report) M. Water Quality Program Updates: Coquille Project: Informational Report TBT: Background Discussion 305(b) Report: Informational ~riefing N. Pollution Control Bonds: Background on Agreement Provisions and Future Bond Sale for Mid-Multnomah County Sewers Commission Deliberations NOTE: This is an opportunity for Commission me1nbers to discuss infonnation that has pre~1iously been provided to them. No testilnony will be taken. However, the Commission 1nay ask staff or 1ne1nbers of the audience to respond to questions. 0. Options for Public Input (Discussion of Suggestions from Last Meeting) Because of the uncertain length of time needed, the Commission_may deal with any item at any tbne in the 1neeting except those set for a specific time. Anyone. wishing to be heard on any ite1n not having a set time should am·ve at 8:30 a.in. to avoid 1nissing any item of interest. The next Commission meeting will be Friday, June 29, 1990. There will be a short work session pn'or to this meeting on the afternoon of Thursday, June 28, 1990. Copies of the staff reports on the agenda items are available by contacting the Director's Office; of the Department of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229-5395, or toll-free 1-800-452-4011. Please specify the agenda item letter when requesting.