Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19900119 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:22 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 4-1990, f. & cert. ef. 2-7-90 (and corrected 5-21-90 & 7-8-91) DEQ 2-1990, f. & cert. ef. 1-24-90 DEQ 3-1990, f. & cert. ef. 1-24-90 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes January 18, 19, 1990 11/19/90 11/18/90 State of Oregon Environmental Quality Commission AGENDA WORK SESSION -- January 18, 1990 Executive Building -- Room 4A 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 2:00 p.m. ~(~) Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board (GWEB): Brainstorming session for potential legislative concepts to present to GWEB staff. 2:30 p.m. - 2. Stage II Vapor Recovery: Continuation of 11-30-89 Work Session. I 3:15 p.m. -(3.) Pulp Mill Issues; ··· • Update on Dioxin and Total Chlorinated Organics; Scandinavian Pulp Mill Technology and Regulations: Site Survey Report by Pope and Talbot (pursuant to request at December 1, 1989 meeting); Status of Permit Modifications to Implement Individual Control Strategies (ICS's); Discussion of Policy Options and Potential Future Actions. NOTE: The piapose of the lVork session is to provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the above itents. The Co1n1nission will not be 1naking decisions at the }Vork session. REGULAR MEETING -- January 19, 1990 Executive Building -- Room 4A 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon Consent Items -- 8:30 a.m. NOTE: Ihese routine iten1s are usually acted on without public discussion. If any iteni is of special interest to the Co1n1nission or sufficient need for public co1n1nent is indicated, the Chainnan 1nay hold any ite1n over for discussion. Minutes of the November 30-December 1, 1989, EQC work session and regular meeting. B. Civil Penalties Settlements. C. Approval of Tax Credit Applications. - 2 - D. Commission Member Reports: Pacific Northwest Hazardous Waste Advisory Council (Hutchison). Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board (Sage). Public Forum This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Co1mnission on environmental issues and concen1s not a part of the agenda for this 1neeting. The Co1n1nission 1nay discontinue this forum after a reasonable tbne if an exceptionally large niunber of speakers ivish to appear. Action Items E. Unified Sewerage Agency: Progress Report on Compliance with Tualatin River Water Quality Requirements. F. North Albany Health Hazard Area: Approval of Alternative Plan for Alleviating Certified Health Hazard. G. Principal Recyclable Materials List: Review of List and Recommendations for Update. Rule Adoptions NOTE: Hearings have already been held on these Rule Adoption ite1ns; therefore any testiJnony received 'f<Vill be lbnited to co1n1nents on changes proposed by the Depart1nent in response to hearing testbnony. The Co1n1nission also 1nay choose to question interested parties present at the 1neeting. H. Asbestos Abatement Program: Rule Amendments. I. Kraft Mill Regulations: Modifications to Correct Deficiencies, Add Opacity Standard for Recovery Boilers, Clarify Monitoring Requirements. J. Waste Tires: Adoption of Rule Amendments Regarding Ocean Reefs, Beneficial Use Permits, Reimbursement for Demonstration Projects, Financial Assistance Criteria, and Other Housekeeping Amendments. Hearing Authorizations NOTE: Upon approval of these ite1ns, public nlle 1naking hearings will be held in each case to receive public co1n1nents. Fallowing the hearings, the ite1n ·will be returned to the Co1n1nission for consideration and final adoption of rules. K. Water Quality Rules: Authorization for Hearing on Proposed Rule Amendments to Clarify Requirements for Designation and Management of Water Quality Limited Streams. - 3 - L. Infectious Waste: Authorization for Hearing on Proposed Rules to Implement 1989 Legislation Limiting Disposal and Requiring Incineration or Other Sterilization Before Disposal. M. UST Rules: Authorization for Hearing on Proposed Adoption of Federal UST Technical Standards and Financial Responsibility Rules; and Local Program Delegation. N. Oil Contaminated Soil Cleanup Contractors: Authorization for Hearing on Amendments to Registration and Licensing Requirements for UST Service Providers to Add Certification and Licensing for Soil Cleanup Contractors and Supervisors (HB 3456). 0. Permit Public Notice Procedures: Authorization for Hearing on Proposed Rule Amendments. Because of the uncertain length of tilne needed) the Co1n1nission 1nay deal with any ite1n at any tilne in the 1neeting e.xcept those set for a specific tbne. Anyone wishing to be heard on any ite1n not having a set tbne should a1rive at 8:30 a.in. to avoid 1nissing any ite1n of interest. The next Co1n1nission meeting will be Friday, March 2, 1990. There will be a short work session prior to this n1eeting on the afternoon of Thursday, March 1, 1990. Copies of the staff reports on the agenda ite1ns are available by contacting the Director's Office of the Departlnent of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Pmtland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229-5395, or toll-ft·ee 1-800-452-4011. Please specify the agenda ite1n letter when requesting.