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EQC19870717 Minutes 2 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:31 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 15-1987, F. & EF. 7-28-87 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 7/17/87 6/4/87 7/17/87 6/12 87 5/29/87 7/17/87 Agenda Item I , July 17, 1 987 EQC Meeting Background Proposed Adoption of Revisions to "Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills and Releases" Rules OAR 340-108-002; OAR 340-108-010; OAR 340-108-020 and Repeal in its Entirety Appendix I of OAR 340 - Division 108. Agenda Item _l__, July 17, 1987, EQC Meeting Attachment V Agenda Item I 7/17/87 EQC Meeting Hearings Officer's Report on Permanent Revisions to Spill Rules: Reportable Quantities Responsiveness Summary - June 4, 1987 Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to Public Hearing on OAR 340-Division 108 Responsiveness Summary - June 4, 1987 Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to Public Hearing on OAR 340-Division 108 Agenda Item L, July 17, 1987 EQC Meeting Proposed Repeal of Temporary Rule Amending Solid Waste Permit Application Processing Fee for Large General Purpose Domestio Waste Landfills, OAR 340-61-120 Agenda Item 2, June 12, 1987, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Temporary Rule Amending Solid Waste Permit Application Processing Fee for Large General Purpose Domestic Waste Landfills, OAR 340-61-120 Agenda Item E, May 29, 1987, EQC Meeting Public Hearing and Proposed EQC Adoption of Temporary Rule Amending Solid Waste Permit Application Processing Fee for Large General Purpose Domestic Waste Landfills, OAR 340-61-120 Agenda Item I, July 17, 1987 EQC Meeting Background Proposed Adoption of Revisions to "Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills and Releases" Rules OAR 340-108-00 OAR 340-108-010; OAR 340-108-020 and Repeal in its Entirety Appendix I of OAR 340 - Division 108.