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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:35 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 13-1986, f. & ef. 6-18-86 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 6/13/86 Agenda Item G, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting ReQuest for Authorization to Hold Public Hearings to Consider Amendments to the Vehicle Program operating Rules and Test Standards. QAR 340-24-300 through 24-35Q Agenda Item No. H. June 13. 1986 EQC Meeting Background Request for authorization to conduct public hearings on proposed amendments to the Water Quality Standards Regulation. OAR 340. Chapter 41: Antidegradation Policy. Mixing Zone Policy. and Toxic Substance Standards Agenda Item I, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting Background Reouest for authorization to coruiuct a Public Hearing on proposed revisigns to "Spills and Other Incidents" Rules OAR 340-108-001 through 340-108-021; Proposed Revisions to Hazardous Waste Management Schedule of Civil Penalties Rule OAR 340-12-068; and Proposed Adoption of Additional Oil and Hazardous Material Cleanup Rules OAR 340-108-030. -050. -060 and -Q70. A_genda•Ltem H, June 13, 1986, EQC .Meeting Appeal of Hearing Officer's Order, DEQ v. Amos Funrue, Case Number 05-AQ-FB-84-141 Agenda Item K, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting ReQuest for a Variance From Gasoline Vapor Balance ReQuirements [OAR 340-22-l20 for Mt. Hood Oil Company Agenda Item N, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Amendments to the State Implementation Plan involving Changes to the Volatile Organic Compound Rules OAR 340-22-100 to 220, and Permit Rules 340-20-155(1) Table 1 Agenda Item I-, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting Request for a Variance from Rules Prohibiting Open Burning of Solid Waste. OAR 340-16-040(2) for 20 Disposal Sites (List pf Disposal Sites - Attachment II) Agenda Item R, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Rules: Open Burning of Solid Waste at Disposal Sites (OAR 340-61-015 and 340-61-040(2)) Agenda Item M, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Revisions to oAR 340, division 30, Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for the Medford-Ashland Air Qualty Maintenance Area Concerning Source Testing Requirements as an Amendment of the State Implementation .Plan Agenda Item D, March 14, 1986, EQC Meeting Attachment A Agenda Item No. F, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Request for Authorization to Conduct Public Hearings on Proposed Amendments to Rules Governing On-Site Sewage Disposal. OAR Chapter 340. Diyisions 71. 72. and 71. Agenda Item 0, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of a Rule Establishing a Maximum Repair Permit Fee for Linn County, OAR 340-71-140 (2) and OAR 340-72-090 Agenda Item No. D, April 25, 1986, EQC Meeting Request for Authorization to Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed Adoption of a Rule Establishing the Maximum Repair Permit Fee for Linn County Agenda Item No. H. June 13. 1986 EQC Meeting Background Request for authorization to conduct public hearings on proposed amendments to the Water Quality Standards Regulation. OAR 340. Chapter 41: Antidegradation Policy. Mixing Zone Policy. and Toxic Substance Standards Agenda Item I, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting Background Reouest for authorization to coruiuct a Public Hearing on propgsed revisions to "Spills and Other Incidents" Rules OAR 340-108-001 through 340-108-021; Proposed Revision to Hazardous Waste Management Schedule of Civil Penalties Rule OAR 340-12-068; and Proposed Adoptign of Additional Oil and Hazardous Material Cleanup Rules OAR 340-108-030. -050. -060 and -070. A_genda•Ltem H, June 13, 1986, EQC .Meeting Appeal of Hearing Officer's Order, DEQ v. Amos Funrue, Case Number 05-AQ-FB-84-141 Agenda Item K, June 13, 1986, EQC Meeting ReQuest for a Variance From Gasoline Vapor Balance ReQuirements [OAR 340-22-l20 for Mt. Hood Oil Company Agenda Item N, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Amendments to the State Implementation Plan Involving Changes to the Volatile Organic Compound Rules OAR 340-22-100 to 220, and Permit Rules 340-20-155(1) Table 1