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EQC19860131 Minutes 2 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:35 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 2-1986, f. & ef. 2-12-86 DEQ 1-1986, f. & ef. 2-12-86 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 9/27/85 1/31/86 9/14 84 1/25/85 1/25/85 1/31/86 11/2/84 Agenda Item No O, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Standards for Nuisance Phytoplankton Growth Agenda Item No. Q, September 27, 1985, EQC Meeting Information Report -- Water Oua1ity Standards for Nutrients Public notice pertaining to a public hearing on proposed rules for underground storage tank management and notification requirements (OAR 340-120-005 and OAR 340-120-010) was published in the January 1, 1986 OAR Bulletin by the Office of the Secretary of State. Proposed rule OAR 340-120-005 included terms and definitions consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. Proposed rule OAR 340-120-010 contained timeframes and deadlines consistent with federal law and regulations for return of notification forms. Information to be contained within these forms was also specified. The information was to include both federally required information (as contained within EPA Form 7530-1 (11-85)), and additional state information. Agenda Item Q., January 31 , 1986 Proposed Adoption of Hazardous Waste Management Fees OAR 340-105-120 Agenda Item R, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Rules: Open Burning of Solid Waste at Disposal Sites (OAR 340-61-015 and 340-61-040(2)) Agenda Item No. K, September 14, 1984, EQC Meeting Informational Report; Status of Open. Burning Solid Waste Disoosal Sites Agenda Item No. o, January 25, 1985, EQC Meeting Background Request for Authorization to Conduct a Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Solid Waste Rules Relating to Ooen Burning or Solid Waste at Pisposal Sites {OAR 340-61-015 end 340-61-040(2 ll Agenda Item D from 1-25-85 EQC meeting (proposed rules regulating rural solid waste disposal sites} Agenda Item S, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Revisions to Rules Relating to the "Opportunity to Recycle" (OAR 340-60-025 and OAR. 340-60-030), Creating a West Linn Wasteshed. Agenda Item T, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting Request for an Extension of a Variance From OAR 340-25- 315 ( 1) ( b). Veneer Dryer Emission Limits, for Leading Plywood Corporation, Coryallis Agenda Item No. ~M~, November 2, 1984, EQC Meeting Request For An Extension of a Variance From OAR 340-25-315(1) (b), Veneer Dryer Emission Limits, For Brand-S Corporation, Leading Plywood Division, Corvallis. Petition to Amend OAR 340-21-027 Agenda Item J, January 31, 1986, EQC Meeting