Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19830923 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:44 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 9/23/83 OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION September 23, 1983 14th Floor Conference Room Department of Environmental Quality 522 S. W. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon Sl'ECIAL MEETING The Environmental Quality Commission will convene by conference telephone at approximately 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 23, to consider possible litigation to force Stephen Mcinnis, Robert Churnside, and Mcinnis Enterprises to clean up sewage illegally dumped in the Columbia Slough in Multnomah County. The agenda will begin with a public session to discuss the background of the Mcinnis case. Then the Commission will hold an executive session to discuss the various options for legal action, pursuant to ORS 468.100. The Commission will conclude the meeting by reconvening in a public session to make its decision. The executive session is open to the media, but the discussion during this part of the meeting cannot be reported on, according to ORS 192.660. Interested persons can listen to the telephone meeting in Room 1400 at DEQ headquarters.