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EQC19830520 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:46 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 9-1983, F. & EF. 5-25-83 DEQ 13-1983 DEQ 11-1983, f. & ef. 5-31-83 DEQ 12-1983, f. & ef. 6-2-83 DEQ 10-1983, F. & EF. 5-25-83 DEQ 8-1983, f. & ef. 5-25-83 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 5/20/83 OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 1983 14th Floor Conference Room Department of Environmental Quality 522 s.w. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon AGENDA CONSENT ITEMS These routine items are usually acted on without public ,discussion. If any item is of special interest to the Conunission or sufficient need for public conunent is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. A. Minutes of April 8, 1983, EQC meeting. B. Monthly Activity Report for March 1983. c. Tax Credits. PUBLIC FORUM This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Commission,on environmental issues and concerns not a part of this scheduled meeting. The Conunission may discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. HEARING AUTHORIZATIONS D. E. F. G. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing to amend the rules for air pollution emergencies (OAR 340-27) as a revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing to amend Gasoline Marketing Rule 340-22-110(1) (a) for the Medford AQMA in response to a March 28, 1983, petition from eight bulk gasoline plant operators in the Medford area. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing on modifications to Water Quality Rules related to waste disposal wells, OAR 340, Division 44. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing on the Construction Grants Priority Management System and List for FY84. ACTION AND INFORMATION ITEMS Public testimony will be accepted on the following, except items for which a public hearing has previously been held. Testimony will not be taken on items marked with an asterisk (*). However, the Commission may choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. (more) APPROVED APPROVED EQC Agenda -2- May 20, 1983 I. J. Proposed modification of rules .for hazardous waste storage or treatment by generators, OAR 340-63-215(8) and 304-63-405(1) (a). Request for approval of preliminary plan, specifications and schedule for sanitary sewers to serve health hazard annexation area known as Pelican City, contiguous to City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County. APPROVED K. Public hearing to consider a request for a variance from noise control w/amendment rules for motor sports vehicles and facilities (OAR 340-35-040) at Jackson County Sports Park in White City. APPROVED * L. Proposed adoption of increase in air contaminant discharge permit fees (OAR 340-20-155, Table l, and OAR 340-20-165). APPROVED * M. Proposed adoption of rules amending water quality permit fees to increase revenues.for 1983-85 Biennium, OAR 340-45-070, Table 2. APPROVED * N. Proposed adoption of rules amending the Deschutes Basin Water Quality Management Plan to include a special groundwater quality protection policy for the LaPine Shallow Aquifer, OAR 340-41-580. APPROVED * o. Proposed adoption of amendments to rules governing on-site sewage disposal, OAR 340-71-100 through 340-71-600 and 340-73-080. ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED P. Q. R. s. Informational report: DEQ activities for meeting federal requirements to protect visibility in Class I areas. Informational report: Beryllium use and waste handling survey requested by the Commission in response to concerns about the hazardous air emission standards for beryllium (OAR 340-25-470 (2) (b)) • Informational report: Review of FY 84 State/EPA Agreement and opportunity for public comment. Informational report: The use of variances. OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION May 20, 1983 BREAKFAST AGENDA 1. Legislative update 2. EQC meeting schedule and locations Biles Shaw