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EQC19810605 Minutes 2 of 2
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:51 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 18-1981, f. & ef. 7-13-81 DEQ 17-1981, f. & ef. 7-10-81 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 6/5/81 1/30/81 Agenda Item No. N, June 5, 1981, EQC Meeting Background Consideration of Adopting Proposed Plant Site Emission Limit and New Source Review Rules and Proposed Revocation of the Following Existing Rules: a) Special Permit Requirements for Source Locating In or Near Nonattainment Areas, OAR 340-20-190 through 198. b) Criteria for Approval of New Sources in the Portland Special AQMA, OAR 340-32-005 through 025. c) Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for the Medford Ashland AQMA, OAR 340-30-60 and 110. d) Prevention of Significant Deterioration, OAR 340-31-105, definitions 1 through 11, 13 and 14, and 17 through 22; 340-31-125; 340-31-135 through 195. Agenda Item No. o, June 5, 1981, EQC Meeting Water Quality Rule Adoption - Amendment of Water Quality Permit Fees {OAR 340-45-070, Table 2) to Increase Revenues for 1981-83 Biennium Agenda Item No. P, June 5, 1981, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Geographic Area Rule for Lands Overlaying the Alsea Dunal Aquifer, Lincoln County, OAR 340-71-400(3). Agenda Item No. R, January 30, 1981, EQC Meeting Addendum to Staff Report After further review of this Agenda Item, staff and legal counsel have concluded that the recommendation is procedurally incorrect. The Department's recorn,~endation would result in the Commission, in effect, waiving some of its rules for subsurface sewage disposal, as they affect the area in question. A waiver of rules is inappropriate. The Commission may adopt, may amend, may repeal, and may grant variances to rules, but they may not grant waivers to rules. Agenda Item No. R, January 30, 1981, EQC Meeting Request for Approval of Sewage Disposal Methods for the Alsea Dunal Aquifer Area in Accordance with the EQC Interim Groundwater Quality Protection Policy Adopted April, 1980.