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EQC19810828 Minutes 1 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:51 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 26-1981, f. & ef. 9-8-81 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 8/28/81 OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING August 28, 1981 14th Floor Conference Room Department of Environmental Quality 522 S. W. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and generally will be acted on without public discussion. If a particular item is of specific interest to a Commission member or sufficient public interest for public comment is indicated 1 the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. A. Minutes of the July 17 1981, EQC meeting. B. Monthly Activity Reports for June, 1981. c. Tax Credit Applications. D. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, State Financial Assistance to Public Agencies for Pollution Control Facilities. E. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing on housekeeping modifications to noise control-related rules; OAR 340-35-015, 35-025, 35-030, 35-035, 35-040 and 35-045 and Procedure Manuals; NPCS - 1, 2, and 21. 9: 15 am PUBLIC FORUM F. Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate, the Department will respond to issues in writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear. ACTION ITEMS The Commission may hear testimony on these items at the time designated but may reserve action until the work session later in the meeting. G. Appeal of subsurface variance denial: Gary T. Hubbard, Tillamook County. H. Request for variance from Oregon Administrative Rules regulating installation of on-site sewage disposal systems within the Clatsop Plains OAR 340-71-460(6) (e) (Appendix J) (a) Mr. Weldon Lee, Clatsop County. I. Consideration of ad.opting proposed Plant Site Emission Limit and New Source Review Rules and proposed revocation of the following existing rules: 1. Special permit requirement for sources locating in or near nonattainment areas, OAR 340-20-190 through 198. 2. Criteria for approval of new sources in the Portland Special AQMA, OAR 340-30-005 through 025. 3. Specific air pollution control rules for the Medford-Ashland AQMA, OAR 340-30-60 and 110. 4. Prevention of significant deterioration, OAR 340-31-105, definitions 1 through 11, 13, 14, and 17 through 22; 340-31-125; 340-31-135 through 195. / J. Appeal of Hearing Officer's decision in DEQ vs. Faydrex. EQC Agenda August 28, 1981 K. Proposed adoption of Open Burning Rules, OAR 340-23-022 through 340-23-080: 1. Make extensive structural and language changes to make rules easier to understand and use. 2. Establish a schedule pursuant to ORS 468.450 for regulation of open burning on statewide basis. 3. Delete provisions establishing a permanent prohibition on domestic burning within the Willamette Valley. ~ L. Requests for variances from the general emission standards for volatile organic compounds (VOC) for the following delivery vessels and small gasoline storage tanks: 2. Fire District #10, East Multnomah County, Portland. 3. Arrow Transportation Company, Portland. M. Request for variance from OAR 340-30-015, Medford-Ashland AQMA Hogged Fuel Boiler Emissions Limitation, by Timber Products Co. N. Request for concurrenCe in approval Of a solid waste disposal permit for the Troutdale Landfill. o. Proposed adoption of amendments to Solid Waste Management Rules, OAR 340-61-005, 61-010, 61-020 and 61-025 through 61-040. P. Request from Multnomah County for a six-month delay in implementing the provisions of OAR 340-71-335(2) (a), Cesspool Prohibitions. Q. Water Quality Rule Adoption: Housekeeping amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Divisions 44, 45 and 52, and repeal of Divisions 42 and 43. R. Proposed adoption of additions to OAR Chapter 340, Division 41, Statewide Water Quality Management Plan. s. 208 Nonpoint Source Project: Proposed additions to Statewide Water Quality Management Plan. T. Request by the Lane Board of Conunissioners to postpone progress under certain conditions of the River Road/Santa Clara Intergovernrnent Agreement. U. Proposed adoption of temporary rule amending rules for on-site sewage disposal, OAR 340-73-055. V. VOC variance, Roseburg Lumber Co., Dillard WORK SESSION The Commission reserves this time if needed ta further consider proposed action on any item on the agenda. Because of the uncertain time sPan involved, the Conunission reserves the right to deal with any item at any time in the meeting except those items with a designated time certain. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated time an the agenda 'should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don't miss the agenda item. The Commission will breakfast (7:30 am) at the Portland Motor Hotel, 1414 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland; and will lunch in Room 4A, DEQ headquarters, 522 S. W. Fifth Avenue, Portland.