Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19780331 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:06 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 6-1978, f. & ef. 4-18-78 DEQ 4-1978, f. & ef. 4-7-78 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 3/31/78 ( 9. _ J am '):f\1"1 am oregon environmental quality commission meeting March 31, 1978 Main Floor Conference Room Harris Hal 1 125 E. Eighth Street Eugene, Oregon A. Minutes of February 24, 1978 EQC Meeting B. Monthly Activity Report for February 1978 C. Tax Credit Applications PUBLIC FORUM - Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate the Department will respond to issues in writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear. 0. Teledyne Wah Chang, Albany - Proposed issuance of NPDES permit modifications for Teledyne Wah Chang Company GROSZKIEWIZ E. Sewage Disposal, Bend Area - Status report on discussions with Deschutes County Commission regarding sewage disposal problems within the Bend Urban Growth Boundary F. NPDES July 1, 1977 Compliance Date - Request for approval of Stipulated Consent Orders for NPDES permittees not meeting July 1, 1977 compliance date G. River Road/Santa Clara Area, Lane County - Public hearing on proposed order prohibiting or limiting installation of subsurface sewage disposal systems within the River Road-Santa Clara Area, Lane County. JOHNSON H. Field Burning - Continuation of March 17, 1978 EQC meeting agenda item to consider adoption of permanent rule revisions to OAR 340-26-005 & through 26-025; and consideration of adoption of proposed one-year control strategy for submittal to EPA, relative to 1978 field burning. I. Medford Air Quality Maintenance Area - Proposed adoption of amendments to Oregon Clean Air Act implementation Plan involving particulate KOWALCZYK J. control strategy rules for the Medford Air Quality Maintenance Area Crude Oil Tanker Rules - Proposed adoption of rules controlling emissions fron crude oil tankers calling on Oregon ports Legislation - Status report on legislative concepts under consideration for submittal to the 1979 Legislative Assembly 11:00 am L. King City Sewage Treatment Plant - Consideration of petition from George and Margaret Benz regarding permit to operate the King City Sewage Treatment Plant M. Clatsop Plains - Consideration of adoption of temporary amendment to OAR 340-71-020(7) (b) (C). BOSSERMAN SWENSON GILBERT GILBER-T ----------------------~---------------------~------------------------------------~~~---------~-- F( iuse of the uncertain time spans Involved, the Commission reserves the right to deal with any item at any time in the meeting, except Items G & L. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated time on the agenda should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don't miss the agenda item. The Commission will breakfast (7:30 a.m.) at the Eugene Hotel, 222 E. Broadway, Eugene. Lunch wi 11 be in Conference Room A of the Harris Hal 1 Cafeteria, see address above.