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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:08 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 12/16/77 Environmental Quality Commission Meeting December 16, 1977 Medford City Council Chambers · 411 West Eighth Street Medford, Oregon 9:00 a.m. A. Minutes of November 18, 1977 EQC meeting B. Monthly Activity Report for November 1977 C. Tax Credit Applications PUBLIC FORUM - Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate the Department will respond to issues in writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear. 9:15 a.m. D. Subsurface Experimental Program - Review of experimental subsurface sewage disposal system installed by Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gunn, Lane County E. Southwest Region - Report of Region Manager on significant on-going activities in the Southwest Region 9:30 a.m. F. Medford Air Quality Maintenance Area - Public hearing to consider amendments to Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan involving particulate control strategy rules for the Medford Air Quality Maintenance Area G. Medford Corporation, Jackson County - Status report and consideration of citizens petition on Medford Corporation's medium density fiberboard plant H. City of Cannon Beach Sewerage Project - Request for extension of time schedule for submission of Facility Plan Report I. NPDES July 1, 1977 Compliance Date - Request for approval of Stipulated Consent Orders for NPDES permittees not meeting July 1, 1977 compliance date J. Sewage Disposal, Bend Area - Status report on discussions with Deschutes County Commission regarding sewage disposal problems within the Bend Urban Growth Boundary K. Hater Quality Management Plan - Status report on review of Statewide Water Quality Management Plan with local governments and interested citizens L. City of Bend Sewerage Project - Update on financial considerations of City of Bend Phase I sewerage project M. Oregon Cup Awards - Request for approval of Oregon Cup Awards Screening Committee recommendations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Because of the uncertain time spans involved, the Commission reserves deal with any item at any time in the meeting, except items D and F. wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated agenda should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they the agenda item. the right to Anyone time on the don't miss The Commission will breakfast (7:30 a.m.) at VIPS, 2229 Biddle, Medford. Lunch will be catered in Conference Room A, Jackson County Courthouse.