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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:16 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 101, f. & ef. 10-1-75 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 9/26/75 AGENDA Public Meeting Oregon Environmental Quality Commission September 26, 1975 Oregon State University Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon (Located south end of Yaquina Bay Bridge) 10: 00 a.m. A. Minutes of August 22, 1975 EQC Meeting B. August Program Activity Report C. Tax Credit Applications D. PUBLIC FORUM - The public is invited to discuss items of local public interest with EQC members E. Oregon CUP Awards - Reconrrnendations of Applicant Screening Committee 11:00 a.m. F. PUBLIC HEARING - To consider adoption of Proposed Policy Pertaining to Log Handling in Oregon Waters G. VARIANCE REQUESTS 1) Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Coos and Curry Counties - Request variance to continue open burning at solid waste disposal sites. 2) Starner Bros. Lumber Co., Lostine - Request 5-year variance to operate Wigwam Waste Burner not in strict compliance with rules 3) Permaneer Corp., White City - Request variance to particle board plant rules until July 1977 4) Permaneer Corp., Dillard - Request extension of current variance to particle board plant rules until fall of 1977 5) Freemont Lumber Company (sawmill) , Lakeview - Request variance to operate wigwam waste burner without modification H. PROPOSED RULES ADOPTION 1) Civil Penalties Schedule for violation of Noise Emission Standards 2) Temporary Rule broadening exemptions to requirement that Surety Bonds be filed with DEQ prior to construction of certain types of Sewage Disposal Facilities 3) Temporary Rule allowing fall open burning period for domestic yard cleanup material in Linn, Benton, Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties I. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - to amend AIR CONTAMINANT DISCHARGE PERMIT RULES and INCREASE FEES J. Jackson County Petition re: Vista View Subdivision subsurface sewage disposal K. Field Burning - Status Report - Updated status report to be given orally Note: Because of the uncertain time spans involved, the Commission reserves the right to deal with any item. except Item F. at any time in the meetinq.