Oregon Records Management Solution



''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:19 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 81, f. 12-5-74, ef. 12-25-74 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 11/22/74 11:00 [Tentative) AGENDA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION meeting of November 22, 1974 Room 20 State Capitol, Salem, Oregon 9 a.m. A. Minutes of October 25, 1974 Commission Meeting B. Program Activity Report for October 1974 c. Tax Credit Applications November 13, 1974 D. Presentation of Renewal Plaques to American Can Company and Publishers Paper NORTHWEST REGION E. Permit Applications for CIR! (Rivergate), Charter Oil (Columbia County) and Cascade Energy (Rainier) Oil Refineries and Proposed Companion Fuels Use Policy--Status Report AIR QUALITY F. Department Report on Proposed Ambient Air standards for Lead G. Consideration of Proposed Rules Pertaining to Indirect (Complex) Sources H. Consideration of OSPIRG/NEDC Petition Relative to Significant Deterioration I. Authorization for Public Hearing on Revisions to the Open Burning Regulations J. Authorization for Public Hearing, Requested by the Weyerhaeuser Company (Springfield) upon Issuance by the DEQ of a Modified Air Contaminant Discharge Permit LAND QUALITY K. Chem-Nuclear, Inc.--Proposed Hazardous Waste Disposal License ********** The Commission will meet for breakfast at 7:30 in the Blue Room, State Capitol.