Oregon Records Management Solution
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 11:48:41 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' ssa meeting ssa minutes eqc minutes Oregon state sanitary authority ssa Eqc environmental quality commission minutes December 20, 1966 Oregon State Sanitary Authority minutes 12/20/66 -minutes of September 13, 1966 meeting -Project plans for September, October, November 1966 -Wigwam burner regulations and control -Springfiled-eugene odor complaints -Request of Harvey aluminum company for dismissal of complaint -Proposed 1967 legislation S.B. 34 witholding of tax relief S.B. 35 agricultural and land clearing exemptions S.B. 39 amendments to water pollution control statutes mandatory certification of sewage works operators state assistance to municipalities and industries proposal by league of oregon cities tax incentives other -resolution of society of american foresters -status of federal grant and other projects with December 1, 1966, deadline