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EQC LRAPA Title 47 Staff Report 7-13-18
''Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 3:46:44 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 190-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 07/13/2018 1:14 PM ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE & LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL FILING CAPTION: Title 47 – “Outdoor Burning” regarding the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/13/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 07/13/2018 NOTICE FILED DATE: 12/15/2017 LRAPA proposes that the Board of Directors approve the proposed rule changes based on the LRAPA mission of protecting air quality and the existing “General Policy” outlined in LRAPA Title 47 “Outdoor Burning” Section 47-001, which states, “In order to restore and maintain Lane County air quality in a condition as free from air pollution as is practicable, consistent with the overall public welfare of the County, it is the policy of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency to eliminate outdoor burning disposal practices where alternative disposal methods are feasible. As a result, all outdoor burning is prohibited in Lane County except as expressly allowed by these rules or if exempted from these rules by Oregon Statute. Contained in these rules are the requirements for the outdoor burning of residential, construction, demolition, commercial, and industrial waste, and forest slash waste on properties outside the Oregon Smoke Management Plan.”