Oregon Records Management Solution

TV EQC Presentation January 2017_0.13


''Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 3:44:04 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 189-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 07/13/2018 1:14 PM ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE & LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL FILING CAPTION: Increase Title V Permit Fees by the Consumer Price Index 2018 EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/13/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 07/13/2018 NOTICE FILED DATE: 05/15/2018 RULES: 340-220-0030, 340-220-0040, 340-220-0050 EPA delegates authority to DEQ to operate the Title V program in Oregon and regularly reviews Oregon’s program for compliance with federal requirements. DEQ must comply with federal requirements to maintain a federally approved and delegated program. The federal Clean Air Act requires each state to fully pay for its Title V program through permit fees. The Oregon Legislature established Oregon’s Title V fees in three categories: • An annual base fee assessed to all Title V sources regardless of emission quantities; • Emission fees assessed per ton of emissions from individual sources per calendar year; and • Specific activity fees assessed when a source owner or operator modifies a permit. The fees cover DEQ’s costs to operate the Title V program. Costs include a portion of air quality monitoring, planning and agency central services such as accounting and human resources. The Clean Air Act and state law authorize DEQ to increase fees by the annual change in the consumer price index to meet funding requirements by considering inflation. Oregon’s Title V operating permit program requires additional funding to provide essential program services. Costs have increased over the last two years due to inflation. The Environmental Quality Commission last increased Title V fees in 2017 calculated to provide requisite program services up to August 2018. DEQ calculates the proposed fees would allow Oregon to provide requisite program services up to August 2020. Failure to increase Title V fees could affect DEQ’s ability to maintain adequate program staff and jeopardize effective program administration.