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Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 914 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 802 - An ordinance amending TMC title 5, business licenses and regulations, by adopting a new Chapter 5.10, liquor licenses CTPD/18/813
Ordinance No. 803 - An ordinance amending TMC Chapter 8.12, burglary and robbery alarms, defining commercial and residential alarm systems, requiring alarm businesses provide a list of alarm locations to law enforcement CTPD/18/814
Ordinance No. 804 - An ordinance amending the Troutdale comprehensive land use plan, goal 9 economic development in fulfillment of task 2 of the citys periodic review work program CTPD/18/815
Ordinance No. 805 - An ordinance amending the Troutdale comprehensive land use plan, goal 10 housing in fulfillment of task 1 of the citys periodic review work program CTPD/18/816
Ordinance No. 806 - An ordinance amending the TDC section 4.720 and to section 5.010 residential accessory structures relating to tasks 1 and 2 of the periodic review program CTPD/18/817
Ordinance No. 807 - An ordinance amending Chapter 12.07 of the TMC pretreatment program CTPD/18/818
Ordinance No. 808 - An ordinance amending the Troutdale comprehensive land use plan, goal 5 open spaces, scenic and historic areas, natural resources in fulfillment of task 5 of the periodic review work CTPD/18/819
Ordinance No. 809 - An ordinance amending the TMC Chapter 2.20 committees and commissions in fulfillment of task 5 of the citys periodic review work program CTPD/18/820
Ordinance No. 810 - An ordinance amending TDC, repealing Chapter 4.200 and replacing it with Historic Landmark Protection amending section 7.180(l) CTPD/18/821
Ordinance No. 811 - An ordinance amending the TMC section 2.08.240 council expenses CTPD/18/822
Ordinance No. 812 - An ordinance amending the TMC sections 2.52.050 and 2.52.060 disposition of personal property CTPD/18/823
Ordinance No. 813 - An ordinance amending the TMC Chapter 2.20 committees and commissions CTPD/18/824
Ordinance No. 814 - An ordinance amending the TDC text amendment 47 for substantial compliance with Title 13 of the Metro urban growth management functional plan nature in neighborhoods CTPD/18/825
Ordinance No. 815 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 5.08 amusement, of title 5 business licenses and regulations of the TMC CTPD/18/826
Ordinance No. 816 - An ordinance amending the TDC section 3.130 permitted uses in the central business district zone to allow restaurants with drive through as a permitted use text amendment 46 CTPD/18/827
Ordinance No. 817 - An ordinance amending the comprehensive land use plan map and zoning district map for the Edgefield north property in completion of periodic review task 2, pertaining to economic development CTPD/18/828
Ordinance No. 818 - An ordinance adopting TMC Chapter 8.30 the unsafe building abatement ordinance and amending TMC sections 8.28.070, 15.04.040, 15.04.050 and 1.04.095 CTPD/18/829
Ordinance No. 819 - An ordinance amending the TDC amendment 48 pertaining to requirements of Oregon Transportation planning rule and Metros regional transportation plan in fulfillment of task 4 of periodic review work program CTPD/18/830
Ordinance No. 820 - An ordinance adopting the Troutdale Transportation System Plan and amending the comprehensive land use plan goal 12 in partial fulfillment of periodic review task 4 CTPD/18/831
Ordinance No. 821 - An ordinance of the city council of the City of Troutdale relating to medical marijuana facilities establishing new code of ordinances Chapter 5.12 and declaring an emergency CTPD/18/832
Ordinance No. 822 - An ordinance adopting a new public facilities plan as implementing element of land use plan goal 11 in partial fulfillment of periodic review task 3 CTPD/18/833
Ordinance No. 823 - An ordinance adopting text amendments to comprehensive land use plan goal 11 public facilities and services in partial fulfillment of periodic review task 3 CTPD/18/834
Ordinance No. 824 - An ordinance amending the TMC Chapter 2.20 committees and commissions pertaining to the membership of the Historic Landmarks Commission CTPD/18/835
Ordinance No. 825 - An ordinance adopting a new chapter of the TMC Chapter 1.06 Home Rule Authority and exercising the home rule authority of the City of Troutdale under the Oregon Constitution and declaring an emergency CTPD/18/836
Ordinance No. 826 - An ordinance adopting updated / revised Metro urbanization policies and updated Metro population and employment projections into land use plan goal 14 with the citys periodic review work program CTPD/18/837