Oregon Records Management Solution

Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 577 - An ordinance amending ordinance 471-0 and assigning an aggregate resource overlay to tax lot 8 section 25 CTPD/18/588
Ordinance No. 578 - An ordinance amending ordinance 471-0 and assigning a zoning district map designation to TL 78 sectoin 01 CTPD/18/589
Ordinance No. 579 - An ordinance amending amusement device licensing regulations ordinance 49 TMC title 8 Chapter 5 CTPD/18/590
Ordinance No. 580 - An ordinance vacating a publicly owned right of way located on SE Kibling Street between SE 3rd Street and SE 4th Street CTPD/18/591
Ordinance No. 581 - An ordinance amending the TMC Title 6 Chapter 6.04 definitions and Chapter 6.12 licensing CTPD/18/592
Ordinance No. 582 - An ordinance amending ordinance 298 and adjusting the assessment roll and amending the final assessment roll CTPD/18/593
Ordinance No. 583 - An ordinance amending the comprehensive land use plan and map removing the RMU and adding a new MPMU land use plan designation applicable to the Multnomah County farm study area CTPD/18/594
Ordinance No. 584 - An ordinance amending the comprehensive land use plan text by modifying language pertaining to the MPMU land use plan designation CTPD/18/595
Ordinance No. 585 - An ordinance amending the TDC and the zoning district map for portions of land in the Multnomah County farm study area CTPD/18/596
Ordinance No. 586 - An ordinance amending the comprehensive land use plan inventory updating information pertaining to current development on portions of the Multnomah County farm study area CTPD/18/597
Ordinance No. 587 - An ordinance amending the zoning district map, adopted by ordinance 491-0 adding a planned development overlay designation to tax lot 94 section 36 CTPD/18/598
Ordinance No. 588 - An ordinance adopting a revised uniform fire code for the City of Troutdale prescribing regulations to govern conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion and repealing ordinance 536-0 CTPD/18/599
Ordinance No. 589 - An ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the TDC adopted by Ordinance no. 491-0 allowing manufactured dwellings as infill development within the R-% zoning district CTPD/18/600
Ordinance No. 590 - An ordinance approving amendments to IGAs creating the Multnomah County Cable Regulatory Commisison and authorizing the City of Portland to join the joint cable regulatory commission CTPD/18/601
Ordinance No. 591 - An ordinance amending Chapter 16 of the TMC relating to notice procedures to provide consistency with ORS 197.763(3) and as recommended by Department of Land Conservation and Development CTPD/18/602
Ordinance No. 592 - An ordinance approving a zone change and plan map amendment and master plan mixed use expanding R-10 addition of A-2 zoning to tax lot 9 section 26 CTPD/18/603
Ordinance No. 593 - An ordinance adopting an illegal dumping program regulating dumping and littering in the City of Troutdale; setting forth procedural requirements for enforcement and administration amending TMC Title 8 Chapter 20 CTPD/18/604
Ordinance No. 594 - An ordinance adopting a revised sewer use and pretreatment program for the City of Troutdale; amending TMC Title 13, Chapter 16 CTPD/18/605
Ordinance No. 595 - An ordinance amending TMC Title 15 Chapter 14 sections .030 and .050 adopting Oregon edition of 1 and 2 family dwelling specialty codes and Oregon edition of plumbing specialty code CTPD/18/606
Ordinance No. 596 - An ordinance to prohibit erosion onto public ways and establishing penalties for violation thereof CTPD/18/607
Ordinance No. 597 - An ordinance adopting codes regulating construction and maintenance of all buildings in Troutdale providing for issuance of permits and collection fees amending TMC Chapter 15.04 CTPD/18/608
Ordinance No. 598 - An ordinance adopting codes regulating excavation and grading, agricultural buildings and the abatement of dangerous buildings and amending the TMC Chapter 15.04 CTPD/18/609
Ordinance No. 599 - An ordinance relating to juries in the municipal court, amending ordinance 156 codified as TMC 2.16 article II CTPD/18/610
Ordinance No. 600 - An ordinance revising the public works portion of the TMC Chapter 12, Chapter 13 and section 15.28 of Chapter 15 CTPD/18/611
Ordinance No. 601 - An ordinance granting a nonexclusive franchise to Portland General Electric repealing ordinance 414-0 and prior grants and extensions of franchise CTPD/18/612