Oregon Records Management Solution

Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 552 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as East Troutdale sanitary sewer 90-001 CTPD/18/563
Ordinance No. 553 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Sandee Palisades IV 90-003 CTPD/18/564
Ordinance No. 554 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Cereghino Acres 90-004 CTPD/18/565
Ordinance No. 555 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Archers Sweetbriar 90-005 CTPD/18/566
Ordinance No. 556 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Kristin subdivision 90-006 CTPD/18/567
Ordinance No. 557 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Sweetbriar Creek storm sewer aka South Troutdale storm drain interceptor 91-001 CTPD/18/568
Ordinance No. 558 - An ordinance repealing ordinance 480-0 and adopting a new comprehensive land use plan inventory CTPD/18/569
Ordinance No. 559 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Homestake Ridge 91-003 CTPD/18/570
Ordinance No. 560 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Mountain Shadow subdivision 91-002 aka Mountain Vista CTPD/18/571
Ordinance No. 561 - An ordinance amending ordinance 551 spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Marine Drive / Sundial Road gravity sewer system schedule B LID 89-002B CTPD/18/572
Ordinance No. 562 - An ordinance amending TMC Chapter 6.12, animals, licensing of dog facilities regulations and standards adding new subsections CTPD/18/573
Ordinance No. 563 - An ordinance amending ordinance 491-0 providing a community resource zoning district overlay designation for tax lot 26 section 01 CTPD/18/574
Ordinance No. 564 - An ordinance amending Troutdales official street plan map and changing the name of SE 31st Street at its intersection with Stott Circle to SE 33rd Street CTPD/18/575
Ordinance No. 565 - An ordinance creating an urban renewal agency CTPD/18/576
Ordinance No. 566 - An ordinance amending ordinance 530 and imposing storm sewer system development charges, creating a storm sewer improvement fund CTPD/18/577
Ordinance No. 567 - An ordinance granting a non-exclusive gas utility franchise to NW Natural Gas and fixing terms, conditions and compensation of such franchise CTPD/18/578
Ordinance No. 568 - An ordinance amending the existing burglary amd robbery alarm Chapter 8 section 12 to handle deliquincies in renewal of permits, increasing fines CTPD/18/579
Ordinance No. 569 - An ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a loan from the Oregon Economic Development Department authorizing the execution of contract and loan documents CTPD/18/580
Ordinance No. 570 - An ordinance accepting special election results from director of elections measure 26-1 and repealing ordinance 565-0 creating an urban renewal agency CTPD/18/581
Ordinance No. 571 - An ordinance authorizing acceptance of a loan from Oregon Economic Development Department to execute a contract and loan documents and ratifying ordinance 569-0 CTPD/18/582
Ordinance No. 572 - An ordinance amending the solid waste management title 13 Chapter 36 section .060 related to franchise fee for solid waste collection from 3 percent to 4 percent CTPD/18/583
Ordinance No. 573 - An ordinance relating to retention and destruction of public records CTPD/18/584
Ordinance No. 574 - An ordinance regarding system development charges repealing ordinance 566 and 530 sections 1 - 12 and TMC title 13 chapter 10 sections 10 - 120 CTPD/18/585
Ordinance No. 575 - An ordinance amending the TMC Title 8 health and safety chapter 28 nuisances section .070 and changing subsection 16 of play, sport or athletic equipment in a public right of way CTPD/18/586
Ordinance No. 576 - An ordinance relating to the city records management manual CTPD/18/587