Oregon Records Management Solution

Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 517 - An ordinance amending ordinance 491-0 deleting section 3.220 and section 3.230 adding replacement section 3.220 and 3.230 relating to industrial zoning and providing an effective date CTPD/18/528
Ordinance No. 518 - An ordinance amending ordinance 498-0 adding new sub-sections 4.014H, I and J relating to off street parking restrictions and providing an effective date CTPD/18/529
Ordinance No. 519 - An ordinance declaring the intention of Troutdale to establish interim drainage guidelines, regulating use of public and private storm sewers and drains CTPD/18/530
Ordinance No. 520 - An ordinance amending the TMC Chapter 6 sections 4, 20 and 28 relating to the regulation of potentially dangerous dogs as amended by Chapter 8.10 of the Multnomah County code CTPD/18/531
Ordinance No. 521 - An ordinance relating to alarm systems and users to obtain permits, issuing permits and repealing ordinance 352-0 CTPD/18/532
Ordinance No. 522 - An ordinance making it unlawful to refuse to leave the area of an emergency or disaster or threatened area and interfere with rescue CTPD/18/533
Ordinance No. 523 - An ordinance establishing a new section to the TMC entiitled disorderly conduct CTPD/18/534
Ordinance No. 524 - An ordinance amending ordinance 302 and respreading the assessments as to tax lots 1, 18, 119 and amending the final assessment roll CTPD/18/535
Ordinance No. 525 - An ordinance establishing the methods and procedures for extra-territorial water or sewer extension service and amending ordinance 279 and repealing ordinance 304 CTPD/18/536
Ordinance No. 526 - An ordinance amending ordinances 478-0 and 491-0 providing new comprehensive plan map and zoning map designations for tax lots 89 and 20 section 35 CTPD/18/537
Ordinance No. 527 - An ordinance establishing and imposing wastewater availability charges, user fees and wastewater system development / improvement charges and repealing ordinance 512-0 CTPD/18/538
Ordinance No. 528 - An ordinance establishing and imposing water availability charges, user fees, commodity charges, standpipe charges, improvement charges and modifying ordinance 279 and repealing ordinance 511-0 CTPD/18/539
Ordinance No. 529 - An ordinance repealing TMC article II of sections 3.04.040, 3.04.050, 3.04.060, 3.04.071, 3.04.080 relating to specific fees CTPD/18/540
Ordinance No. 530 - An ordinance establishing and imposing street, water and sewer system development charges, creating a street improvement fund, repealing other ordinances or portions thereof CTPD/18/541
Ordinance No. 531 - An ordinance amending ordinance 491-0 deleting section 5.911 and adding replacement section 5.911 relating to projections into required yards CTPD/18/542
Ordinance No. 532 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as North Harlow waterline extension LID 89-001 CTPD/18/543
Ordinance No. 533 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Grade School Access improvement project LID 89-003 CTPD/18/544
Ordinance No. 534 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as the Marine Drive Sundial Road water and non-gravity sewer systems LID 89-002-A CTPD/18/545
Ordinance No. 535 - An ordinance adopting State of Oregon structural specialty code and mechanical specialty code, electrical code, abatement of dangerous buildings and plumbing code CTPD/18/546
Ordinance No. 536 - An ordinance adopting a revised uniform fire code for Multnomah County rural fire protection district no 10 prescribing regulations to govern conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosions CTPD/18/547
Ordinance No. 537 - An ordinance authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing local improvements CTPD/18/548
Ordinance No. 538 - An ordinance amending ordinance 491-0 Troutdale develoment ordinance relating to manufactured home park regulations CTPD/18/549
Ordinance No. 539 - An ordinance amending ordinance 87-498-0 Troutdale development standards Chapter 3 and 4 relating to site improvements and off street parking for manufactured home parks CTPD/18/550
Ordinance No. 540 - An ordinance amending ordinances 478 and 491 providing new comprehensive plan map and zoning map designations CTPD/18/551
Ordinance No. 541 - An ordinance vacating Tract A, Anton Ridge addition CTPD/18/552