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Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 492A - An ordinance amending the Troutdale comprehensive plan inventory and upgrading Edgefield Manor to C-1 CTPD/18/503
Ordinance No. 493 - An ordinance establishing and imposing water availability charges, user fees, commodity charges, standpipe charges, improvement charges and modifying ordinance 279 and repealing ordinance 472 CTPD/18/504
Ordinance No. 494 - An ordinance amending ordinance 491-0 to add section 5.914(F) fences on major arterials and (G) fences on state highways CTPD/18/505
Ordinance No. 495 - An ordinance establishing and imposing wastewater availability charges, user fees and wastewater system development improvement charges, repealing ordinance 471-0 CTPD/18/506
Ordinance No. 496 - An ordinance changing the official street names and amending the official street map of the City of Troutdale CTPD/18/507
Ordinance No. 497 - An ordinance declaring the City of Troutdales election to receive state revenues CTPD/18/508
Ordinance No. 498 - An ordinance adopting the citys development standards and repealing ordinances 272, 278, 282, 444, 452 and 453 and other ordinances found to be in conflict CTPD/18/509
Ordinance No. 499 - An ordinance revising fees and charges and amending ordinance 173-0 and 450 CTPD/18/510
Ordinance No. 500 - An ordinance adopting the TMC CTPD/18/511
Ordinance No. 501 - An ordinance adopting the downtown Troutdale implementation plan consisting of a final report, technical report and marketing brochure Gateway to Opportunity CTPD/18/512
Ordinance No. 502 - An ordinance changing official street names and amending the official street map of the City of Troutdale CTPD/18/513
Ordinance No. 503 - An ordinance changing the official street names and amending the official street map of the City of Troutdale CTPD/18/514
Ordinance No. 504 - An ordinance establishing a new public safety code section relating to the use of exhaust jake brakes in the City of Troutdale CTPD/18/515
Ordinance No. 505 - An ordinance establishing and imposing street, water and sewer system development charges, creating a street improvement fund CTPD/18/516
Ordinance No. 506 - An ordinance adding a new section to the TMC Title 6, Chapter 32 - animals CTPD/18/517
Ordinance No. 507 - An ordinance vacating a dedicated public right of way known as NE Harlow Road section 25 CTPD/18/518
Ordinance No. 508 - An ordinance defining solar access definitions used in conjunction with the new development standards and solar balance point regulations CTPD/18/519
Ordinance No. 509 - An ordinance ensuring that land is divided so that structures can be oriented to maximize solar access and to minimize shade on adjoining properties from structures and trees CTPD/18/520
Ordinance No. 510 - An ordinance promoting the use of solar energy, minimizing shading of structures by structures and accessory structures and where applicable to minimize shading of structures by trees CTPD/18/521
Ordinance No. 511 - An ordinance establishing and imposing water availability charges, user fees, commodity charges, standpipe charges, improvement charges and modifying ordinance 279 and repealing ordinance 493 CTPD/18/522
Ordinance No. 512 - An ordinance establishing and imposing wastewater availability charges, user fees and wastewater system development improvement charges and repealing ordinance 495 CTPD/18/523
Ordinance No. 513 - An ordinance changing official street names and amending the official street map of Troutdale CTPD/18/524
Ordinance No. 514 - An ordinance amending TMC 5.04.040 to conform with the mandates of metro service district, ordinance 88-248 CTPD/18/525
Ordinance No. 515 - An ordinance establishing and imposing regulations to prevent flood damage CTPD/18/526
Ordinance No. 516 - An ordinance amending the TMC 2.24.030(3) competitive bids required, exceptions CTPD/18/527