Oregon Records Management Solution

Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 443 - An ordinance amending ordinance 279, the water regulation ordinance CTPD/18/453
Ordinance No. 444 - An ordinance amending the Troutdale subdivision regulations and providing changes in the variance section CTPD/18/454
Ordinance No. 445 - An ordinance amending the citys codified right of way construction and access code under Title 6 of the public works code and setting forth utility locational restrictions for new and reconstruction projects CTPD/18/455
Ordinance No. 446 - An ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for 1985-1986 CTPD/18/456
Ordinance No. 447 - An ordinance declaring the citys election to receive state revenues CTPD/18/457
Ordinance No. 448 - An ordinance establishing and imposing water availability charges, user fees, commodity charges, standpipe charges, improvement charges and repealing ordinance 440-0 CTPD/18/458
Ordinance No. 449 - An ordinance establishing and imposing wastewater availability charges, user fees and a wastewater system development and improvement charge and repealing ordinance 442-0 CTPD/18/459
Ordinance No. 450 - An ordinance establishing and revising fees and charges, amending ordinance 436-0 and repealing section 10.b of ordinance 342-0 CTPD/18/460
Ordinance No. 451 - An ordinance amending ordinance 271 zoning ordinance section 3.037 to allow siting of adult foster home and residential homes in areas previously allowing only single family residential dwelling units CTPD/18/461
Ordinance No. 452 - An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance, providing changes in the sign standards CTPD/18/462
Ordinance No. 453 - An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations and changing the variance section repealing section 11.025 - 11.035 ans section 1.131 - 1.33 and repealing ordinance 413-0 CTPD/18/463
Ordinance No. 454 - An ordinance amending the public safety code relating to uncontrolled or uncultivated growth of weeds, brush, berry vines and grasses CTPD/18/464
Ordinance No. 455 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Troutdale Road sanitary sewer LID 3-83 a sanitary sewer improvement CTPD/18/465
Ordinance No. 456 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as Stark Street sanitary sewer LID 2-83 a sanitary sewer line improvement CTPD/18/466
Ordinance No. 457 - An ordinance spreading the assessment for the local improvement district known as West Columbia Highway sanitary sewer LID 4-83 a sanitary sewer line improvement CTPD/18/467
Ordinance No. 458 - An ordinance amending the official zoning map designation of tax lot 48, section 35 parcel II from suburban residential to suburban residential community service CTPD/18/468
Ordinance No. 459 - An ordinance amending the official zoning map designation of a portion of tax lot 4, section 24 from suburban residential to suburban residential aggregate resource overlay district CTPD/18/469
Ordinance No. 460 - An ordinance amending ordinance 309 to set forth the mandates required by SB 405 known as the opportunity to recycle act which is now incorporated in Chapter 459 of Oregon Revised Statutes CTPD/18/470
Ordinance No. 461 - An ordinance amending the official zoning map, adjusting the common lot line between tax lot 46 and tax lot 47 section 35 and expanding the C-3 zoning designation CTPD/18/471
Ordinance No. 462 - An ordinance amending certain sections of the Troutdale Animal Control ordinance, code section 7.20 relating to animal control operation and fees CTPD/18/472
Ordinance No. 463 - An ordinance repealing ordinance 437-0 and amending ordinance 436-0 relating to fees and charges CTPD/18/473
Ordinance No. 464 - An ordinance amending the citys wastewater by ordinance 280 together with all subsequent revisions and setting forth a new subsection P of section 10 of said ordinance CTPD/18/474
Ordinance No. 465 - An ordinance vacating a fire lane between lot 1, block 4, lot 7, block 3 and tract C of Sandee Palisades subdivision CTPD/18/475
Ordinance No. 466 - An ordinance amending Chapter 7.020 - 7.040 Title 7 of the code adopting the provisions of Multnomah County adult care home licensure ordinance CTPD/18/476
Ordinance No. 467 - An ordinance repealing ordinance 98 and ordinance 287, eliminating minimum square footage requirements and regulations for single family dwelling living space CTPD/18/477