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Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 915 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 394 - An ordinance relating to a city planning commission and prescribing its powers and duties and amending ordinance 140 CTPD/18/403
Ordinance No. 395 - An ordinance establishing a no truck parking zone on the south side of Columbia Highway 125 from SE Dora Street to SE Harlow Street CTPD/18/404
Ordinance No. 396 - An ordinance revising the local improvement district known as Portland Troutdale Airport sanitary sewer LID 78-1 and spreading additional assessment CTPD/18/405
Ordinance No. 397 - An ordinance closing certain funds and providing for the transfer of their assets, liabilities and residual equities at June 30, 1983 CTPD/18/406
Ordinance No. 398 - An ordinance changing the Troutdale comprehensive plan text and amending ordinance 252 CTPD/18/407
Ordinance No. 399 - An ordinance amending ordinance 271, Troutdale zoning ordinance to allow establishment of a mobile home subdivision overlay district CTPD/18/408
Ordinance No. 400 - An ordinance amending ordinance 271, Troutdale zoning ordinance to allow for mobile home planned developments CTPD/18/409
Ordinance No. 401 - An ordinance establishing a vehicular traffic section within the public safety code to be known as section 7.10 of the public safety code CTPD/18/410
Ordinance No. 402 - An ordinance revising the Troutdale comprehensive plan inventory amending ordinance 379 CTPD/18/411
Ordinance No. 403 - An ordinance amending ordinance 355, providing changes in the Troutdale comprehensive plan CTPD/18/412
Ordinance No. 404 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 246, providing changes in the Troutdale design review ordinance CTPD/18/413
Ordinance No. 405 - An ordinance amending ordinance 362, providing changes in the zoning ordinance CTPD/18/414
Ordinance No. 406 - An ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for 1983-1984 CTPD/18/415
Ordinance No. 407 - An ordinance declaring the citys election to receive state revenues CTPD/18/416
Ordinance No. 408 - An ordinance adopting the state building code and fire and life safety code CTPD/18/417
Ordinance No. 409 - An ordinance amending the non-conforming use section of the Troutdale zoning ordinance 271 CTPD/18/418
Ordinance No. 410 - An ordinance adopting provisions of county ordinance 392 regulating adult care homes and an IGA with Multnomah County for administratioin and enforcement of provisions of county ordinance 392 for adult care homes CTPD/18/419
Ordinance No. 411 - An ordinance adopting a codified right of way construction and access code under Title 6 of the public works code and repealing certain ordinances CTPD/18/420
Ordinance No. 412 - An ordinance amending ordinance 217, providing changes in the City of Troutdale zoning ordinance CTPD/18/421
Ordinance No. 413 - An ordinance amending ordinance 271, providing changes in the Troutdale zoning ordinance CTPD/18/422
Ordinance No. 414 - An ordinance granting Portland General Electric the right to erect, construct and maintain an electric light and power system with poles and wires in Troutdale CTPD/18/423
Ordinance No. 415 - An ordinance vacating a section of Sundial Road and reserving easements for facilities CTPD/18/424
Ordinance No. 416 - An ordinance adopting a revised uniform fire code for Multnomah County fire protection district 10 CTPD/18/425
Ordinance No. 417 - An ordinance amending City of Troutdale animal control ordinance, code section 7.20, relating to animal control operation and fees CTPD/18/426
Ordinance No. 418 - An ordinance establishing and/or closing certain funds CTPD/18/427