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Records - Webdrawercode:*067* and title:ordinance* - 914 Records

Title Record Number
Ordinance No. 29 - An ordinance providing for the improvement of streets, sidewalks and construction or reconstruction providing for assessment of the cost, assessment shall be a lien on the property of abuttinb owner CTPD/18/38
Ordinance No. 30 - An ordinance to regulate and conrol vehicles and vehicular traffic on streets and public places within Troutdale and providing penalty for violation CTPD/18/39
Ordinance No. 31 - An ordinance providing for the abatement of nuisances, notice, time, hearing, abatement by the city and cost of abatement to be an assessment on property CTPD/18/40
Ordinance No. 32 - An ordinance defining certain shacks a nuisance, providing fro abatement thereof by owner or city and declaring an emergency CTPD/18/41
Ordinance No. 33 - An ordinance regulating and controlling the parking of vehicles along certain streets within Troutdale and providing a penalty for violations and declaring an emergency CTPD/18/42
Ordinance No. 34 - An ordinance granting Portland General Electric the right and privilege to erect, construct, maintain and operate within the corporate limits of Troutdale CTPD/18/43
Ordinance No. 35 - An ordinance relating to alcoholic liquor; providing a penalty and repealing all ordinances in conflict CTPD/18/44
Ordinance No. 36 - An ordinance to provide carrying into effect the initiative and referendum powers of legal voters to enact and amend municipal charters CTPD/18/45
Ordinance No. 37 - An ordinance authorizing the sale of general obligation bonds by special election amending Chapter IX of the charter adding sections 40, 41 and 42 CTPD/18/46
Ordinance No. 38 - An ordinance authorizing the mayor to borrow $8,000 to meet current expenses of Troutdale and to draw warrants on the general fund making appropriations out of the general fund CTPD/18/47
Ordinance No. 39 - An ordinance providing for the combining of the offices of treasurer and recorder CTPD/18/48
Ordinance No. 40 - An ordinance providing for the regulation and control of weeds and debris of private property CTPD/18/49
Ordinance No. 41 - An ordinance declaring buildings or structures which are deteriorated or present a fire hazard to be dangerous and providing a procedure for condemnation and abatement of buildinds CTPD/18/50
Ordinance No. 43 - An ordinance providing for the combining of the offices of marshal and maintenance man CTPD/18/51
Ordinance No. 44 - An ordinance amending ordinance 10 by adding to section 2(a) charging for water services to the premises served and for discontinuance of water service on delinquency in payment CTPD/18/52
Ordinance No. 45 - An ordinance providing for the use of the city convention method for nominating elective officers of Troutdale CTPD/18/53
Ordinance No. 46 - An ordinance requiring removal from private property of junk, rubbish and any other substance creating danger of fire spread or harboring rats, breeding of mosquitos or other vermin declaring a nuisance providing procedure of abatement CTPD/18/54
Ordinance No. 47 - An ordinance regulating the running at large of dogs in Troutdale CTPD/18/55
Ordinance No. 48 - An ordinance regulating and licensing businesses, trades, professions providing penalties, repealing ordinances 5, 18 and 42 CTPD/18/56
Ordinance No. 49 - An ordinance regulating and licensing amusement and vending machines and devices in Troutdale providing penalties and repealing all ordinances in conflict CTPD/18/57
Ordinance No. 51 - An ordinance amending ordinance 1 adding rule 27 as a part of section 1 providing for advance filing of written notice of inention to bring matters before council meeing CTPD/18/58
Ordinance No. 52 - An ordinance directing the city recorder to charge for furnishing copies of official documents and declaring an emergency CTPD/18/59
Ordinance No. 53 - An ordinance providing a uniform system of house numbering and designation of streets, providing penalties, payment of the cost thereof and providing an effective date CTPD/18/60
Ordinance No. 54 - An ordinance re-enacting existing ordinances resolutions and other actions of the common council and curing defects in the enactment, signing or dating thereof CTPD/18/61
Ordinance no. 55 - An ordinance providing for the convention system of nomination of candidates for city office CTPD/18/62