Operation Quadratic



The purpose of this plan is to guide city staff committee through all the steps necessary to roll out two-year budget cycles and realign the timing of the rates process to match the double length cycles,



1. Discover the decision points and pitfalls that may obstruct the shift to biennia.

2. Develop a timeline of actions and deliverables to guide the city to its new fiscal pattern.

3. Follow the timeline to completion.


Execution – Four Phases

This plan is designed to develop a final product in the form of a timeline. It will start with council approval - a motion to proceed. It will end with the creation of a timeline of needed events.


The actions below are called out by the person taking the action and are in approximate chronological order.


Phase One - Launch

All committee members: Meet to review this initial plan, review Gantt chart of desired end state (See Appendix A). Quadratic committee members include Will, Kady, Rachel, Korie, Emily and Melissa.


Will: seek council motion to proceed phase two research.


Phase Two - Research

Rachel code review: Find every bit of NMC related to budget, budget, timing, rates model, rates timing, carve out the relevant code sections so that they can be edited.


Kady: Locate any fiscal OAR state law giving two-year cycles. Interface with Tyler to ensure no unexpected software setting issues will occur.


Kory: Reach out to City of Prineville to discover any issues they encountered. Search academic literature to see if there is anything in the Oregon context about shifting to biennia.


Will: Reach out to LOC for lessons learned data from other municipalities.


Emily: Reach out to PIO’s network for lessons learned and shared graphics potential.


Phase Three – Regroup & Design

All committee members: Regroup to look over all data, determine what code amendments are needed. See timeline of events below. To accelerate later Miller Nash review, utilize their style control format for suggested edits (see administration below).


Phase Four – Council Action

After Miller Nash review pass the package omnibus style ideally one package for rates one for budget cycle.


Execution – Timeline of Events

August 7th 9am until 12 noon, Quadratic Group reforms at the Denise Bacon room to review research results.


August 14th 9am until X, Quadratic Group reforms at the Denise Bacon room to capture suggested NMC changes.


August, NMC suggested changes are transferred to Miller Nash for review.


November 11th, Miller Nash returns approved code to the City Recorder with any suggested changes. Items in Council packet for info only presentation.


November 18th, Info only presentation to council.


November 25th, Packet elements are finalized and posted for Dec 2nd session.


December 2nd, NMC reforms are passed and BY 25-27 budget process begins with BCRs adjusted accordingly.



Here are the styles customarily used by Miller Nash to present shifts to NMC, using this style pattern in our work will accelerate legal review of our suggested code amendments:


Existing (retained) text is shown in regular font.
Added text is shown in double-underline.
Deleted text is shown in strikethrough.