City Hall Safety Plan
First Floor:
• Staff should continue to encourage the public to use online and phone resources.
• Keep in person visits to a minimum.
• Masks are recommended for all visitors but cannot be required per state guidance.
• Masks will be worn by staff during all interactions with the public at City Hall.
• Meetings with a non-city staff at City Hall will take place in the first floor conference room.
• Elevator shall only be used by staff, authorized vendors or for ADA access to first floor.
• Restrooms are not available to the public in any City buildings at this time.
• Lobby has been marked for distancing and traffic flow maintaining the CDC 6 foot required distancing. There is limited occupancy as a result of guidelines. Visitors may have to cue up outside. There is nothing that can be done to alleviate that except to offer to schedule appointments or direct them to drop boxes and online options.
• The Drop off and Pick up bins are in the hallway for the public.
• Comm. Dev/Planning has determined a quarantine time period for dropped off plans and applications.
• Exchanging documents from the public or processing payments will mean staff should wear the provided Gloves.
• Front Counters have been set up with sneeze-guard barriers.
• Staff should sanitize the cubicle they occupied after use.
• Supervisors will assign a staff rotation for disinfection of “touch points” in the lobby, shared work spaces and mail room. CDC guidelines state no less than 3 times in a 6 hour period.
• Staff should also check hand sanitizer and PPE inventory daily.
• The City has a stock of Otoban disinfectant available for all departments. This is the preferred disinfectant. It meets CDC & OHA requirements. Aerosols and perfumed products are discouraged.
• Hand sanitizer is available in 3 areas of the lobby.
Mail Room
• Only 2 persons in the mail room at any time and use masks in all common work areas.
First Floor Staff Work Areas
• Floors are marked with a preferred traffic pattern. Staff should comply with the flow of movement.
• DO not loiter around staff cubicles or cue up outside doorways.
• Avoid standing within marked off areas to prevent unnecessary proximity to coworkers.
• USE email and phone whenever possible or move to another area that allows 6 foot spacing.
• Staff will wear face masks when not in private work spaces
• Gloves are available – wear them when disinfecting common areas.
• Be sure to dispose of gloves after a single use in a designated PPE receptacle.
Restocking of Gloves, Masks, Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant spray should be made by email to Facilities
Customized accommodations should be researched by you and your supervisor, approved and purchased by your department accordingly.
Lunch Room
• Lunch room is available to staff if 6foot distancing can be maintained.
• Disinfect the area after use. Stagger lunches and breaks where possible.
Meeting Rooms
• Staff gatherings of up to 10 person are allowed but highly discouraged.
• 6 foot distance and face masks shall be used.
• The room shall be disinfected by one of the staff attendees at the conclusion.
Meetings with NON STAFF PERSONS are ONLY allowed in the 1st floor Conference room
• IF available i.e. not in use for council or committee business
• Will be sanitized by the meeting host after use.
On occasion Human Resources, the City Manager or Legal may choose to have a meeting in the 2nd floor conference room. This will be an exception dictated by unique requirements.
Mothers Privacy Room/Law Library and other single use areas
• 1 person at a time and disinfection after use is the responsibility of the occupant.
Second Floor Staff Work Areas
• Floors are marked with a preferred traffic pattern. Staff should comply with the flow of movement.
• DO not loiter around staff cubicles or cue up outside doorways.
• Avoid standing all areas marked off to prevent unnecessary proximity to coworkers.
• Use email and phone whenever possible or move to another large area that allows 6 foot spacing.
• Staff will wear face masks when not in private work spaces.
• Supervisors will assign a staff rotation for disinfection of “touch points” in shared work spaces. Including hand sanitizer and PPE inventory daily.
• The City has a stock of Otoban disinfectant available for all departments. This is the preferred disinfectant. It meets CDC & OHA requirements. Aerosols are discouraged.
• Employees should disinfect their work space at the beginning and end of each day.
Restocking of Gloves, Masks, Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant spray should be made by email to Facilities
Customized accommodations should be researched by you and your supervisor, approved and purchased by your department accordingly.
Ground Floor Staff Work Areas
• Floors are marked with a preferred traffic pattern. Staff should comply with the flow of movement.
• DO not loiter around staff cubicles or cue up outside doorways
• Avoid standing all areas marked off to prevent unnecessary proximity to coworkers.
• Use email and phone when possible or move to another large area that allows 6 foot spacing.
• Staff will wear face masks when not in private work spaces.
• Supervisors will assign a daily staff rotation for disinfection of “touch points” in shared work spaces. Including hand sanitizer and PPE inventory.
• The City has a stock of Otoban disinfectant available for all departments. This is the preferred disinfectant. It meets CDC & OHA requirements. Aerosols are discouraged.
• Employees should disinfect their work space at the beginning and end of each day.
• The Coffee/printer room should have no more than 2 employees using at any time.
Restocking of Gloves, Masks, Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant spray should be made by email to Facilities
Customized accommodations should be researched by you and your supervisor, approved and purchased by your department accordingly.