From: Cindy Chauran

Sent: Tue Aug 30 14:08:44 2022

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Mac Corthell

Subject: FW: Local Road and Street Finance Questionnaire – Fiscal Year 2021

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Copy of Copy of 2020_Loc Road Street Survey - Gerald' s Edits.xlsx; 2021_Loc Road Street Survey .xlsx;



Here is my communication with John Baker last year. I did the 2021, Gerald’s did not have the right format but somehow they used it. If you want to take a stab at it go ahead. If not I can do it.


From: BAKER John <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 2:59 PM

To: Cindy Chauran <>

Subject: RE: Local Road and Street Finance Questionnaire – Fiscal Year 2021


Sorry about the delayed response to your request. Attached is a copy of last year’s survey. Not sure what happened but worksheets will not cross foot until $734,271.17 is entered as the ending balance on the Disbursement Worksheet.

Have a nice day


From: Cindy Chauran <>

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 10:53 AM

To: BAKER John <>

Subject: RE: Local Road and Street Finance Questionnaire – Fiscal Year 2021


This message was sent from outside the organization. Treat attachments, links and requests with caution. Be conscious of the information you share if you respond.

Thank you John I appreciate that. Have a great rest of your day.

Cindy R Chauran

Senior Accountant

P: 503-759-0221

F: 503-829-3676

From: BAKER John <>

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 9:29 AM

To: Cindy Chauran <>

Subject: RE: Local Road and Street Finance Questionnaire – Fiscal Year 2021


I didn’t forget you. The person who has access to last year’s submitted questionnaires appears to be on vacation. As soon as they are back, I will get a copy and forward to you.

Have a nice day


From: Cindy Chauran <>

Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 9:24 AM

To: BAKER John <>

Subject: Local Road and Street Finance Questionnaire – Fiscal Year 2021


This message was sent from outside the organization. Treat attachments, links and requests with caution. Be conscious of the information you share if you respond.


Good Morning, I’m working on this report. Is it possible for you to send me over what was submitted to you last year? With the crazy covid/Fire I have seemed to of miss placed it.


Cindy R Chauran

Senior Accountant

P: 503-759-0221

F: 503-829-3676