From: BENTZ Mark * DEQ

Sent: Thu Oct 14 08:02:37 2021

To: Andy Peters

Subject: Request for supplemental DMRs

Importance: High

Attachments: 101514-LTR-MOLALLASTP20211006.pdf;


CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7017 0530 0000 7760 9996

October 12, 2021

Andy Peters

City of Molalla

12424 Toliver Road

Molalla, OR 97038-0248

RE: Request for Supplemental Information / Data

Molalla STP

NPDES PERMIT #101514, EPA ID OR0022381

WQ File #57613

Clackamas County

DEQ is committed to continuing to protect the environment, deter non-compliance, and maintain a consistent statewide enforcement program. However, DEQ recognizes that public health and economic disruptions related to the COVID-19 outbreak may temporarily impact your ability to comply with DEQ requirements. DEQ encourages you to respond to this letter with specific information regarding outbreak related impacts to your operations, including staffing and service shortages.

Dear Mr. Peters,

DEQ is collecting data to prepare a Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), and requests your assistance in completing a records review.

Please submit by October 31, 2021, in whatever format is convenient, the following Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs):

2016 (Apr-Oct); 2017 (Apr-Oct); 2019 (May-Oct)

Mark Bentz


WQ Source Control Compliance Specialist

Northwest Regional Office

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

Portland OR 97232

We are in the process of modernizing and upgrading the way we accept, share and process information at DEQ with Your DEQ Online: a new centralized hub for communities, businesses and individuals. Learn more.

Please visit our site to get all the information you need about NetDMR: