From: Sam Miller
Sent: Mon Mar 14 14:21:55 2022
To: Shawn Shepard; Adam Shultz
Cc: Richard Landreth
Subject: RE: Gas line through Sewer Main at 124 E 3rd St
Importance: Normal
Thanks Shawn,
Not sure if you have a contact for NW Natural, but here is the contact info I have on hand for NW Natural Field Engineering Tech., who I have worked with in the past on issues like this. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Darrell Hammond
Tel.: 503-582-6611 / Cell: 541-981-0164
Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.
City of Molalla
315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038
T : 503-759-0217 | E:
From: Shawn Shepard <>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 2:09 PM
To: Adam Shultz <>
Cc: Richard Landreth <>; Sam Miller <>
Subject: Gas line through Sewer Main at 124 E 3rd St
Adam and Sam,
Here are some pictures of what we found at 124 E 3RD street when we were cleaning sewers. The video is too large to email but can be viewed on the Y drive. PUBLIC (Y:) > Operations > Sewer Video > 124 E 3rd St.
From the lamphole to the west of the 3rd and Engle intersection, the gas line is approximately 32’ to the east. From the manhole it is approx. 140’ to the west. Bottom of pipe appears to be gone and heavy root infiltration is coming in where the line was bored through the main. NW Natural will have to move the line for any repairs to be made.