Sent: Thu Apr 06 14:57:41 2023

To: Andy Peters

Subject: RE: Monthly Reports, Molalla

Importance: Normal


UPDATE: In September 2022 the email address exchange (after the @ symbol) was updated again. While we are told we will continue to receive emails to the old exchange, we are asking that you update to the new address to avoid a delay in receiving your email. If not previously done, please review and update the address to for future submittals.


This is verification that the DMCE team has received your email message. If the message contains attachment(s), the attachment data has not been verified.

You will not receive additional replies unless the attachment data is incomplete or inaccurate. If the data is complete and accurate, the results will be posted online.

Data Management, Compliance, & Enforcement (DMCE) Team

Oregon Drinking Water Services

Portland, Oregon
