From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Tue May 08 09:01:48 2018

To: Dan Huff; Andy Peters

Subject: Fwd: StreetSaver Monthly Performance Report for 04/30/2018

Importance: Normal

Attachments: CityofMolalla04302018.pdf;


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Latest PCI


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: StreetSaver Team

Date: 5/8/18 7:40 AM (GMT-08:00)


Subject: StreetSaver Monthly Performance Report for 04/30/2018







Monthly Report



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StreetSaver currently manages 491,187 lane miles of pavement.

That's enough to travel around the world 19.7 times!



City of Molalla






Miles Maintained:

Centerline Miles:27.2

Lane Miles:54.3

Square Miles:0.2





Here is how you did:

Current PCI:56

PCI on

January 1:57

% of Very Good:36%

% of Very Poor:15%





*Peer Comparison:

PCI of similar size agency:62

Your agency percentile rank:25%




A current copy of the Executive Summary has been attached as a PDF for your convenience. It provides network level information on the performance of your streets.



*Based on closest peers in your geographic location with a comparable number of Sections.  


© 2017 Metropolitan Transportation Commission

375 Beale Street, Suite 800

San Francisco, CA 94105

Phone: 415-778-5244




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