From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Sat Sep 12 09:07:41 2020

To: Dan Huff

Subject: FW: Information vacuum

Importance: Normal




Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone




-------- Original message --------

From: Gerald Fisher <>

Date: 9/12/20 9:07 AM (GMT-08:00)

To: Rep Lewis <>

Subject: RE: Information vacuum


I think the hot potato is with ODF but locals are looking to local fire district and no PIO has been assigned down at local levels. They are too busy fighting fires. Thx.


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone




-------- Original message --------

From: Gerald Fisher <>

Date: 9/12/20 8:58 AM (GMT-08:00)

To: Rep Lewis <>

Subject: Information vacuum


Rick. No PIO for the fire and the Governor is no PIO. Please help push for PIO on a per complex basis so locals can get info and tell the levels of fire fighting organzatuons to stop seeing who has more PIO authority. If we dont get accurate info out to news outlets they will make it ip as they go. Thx. G


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone