Third Special Session to Convene Monday "" Dear Friends and Neighbors, On Tuesday, Governor Brown announced a one-day special session to convene on Monday, December 21, 2020, at 8 am. The Governor is asking the legislature to consider $800 million in relief for Oregonians impacted by COVID-19 and wildfires. The Joint Interim Committee on the Third Special Session will meet this evening, Thursday, December 17, 6-9 pm and again on Saturday, December 19, 10 am-1 pm. The Saturday public hearing is scheduled to accept any remaining testimony that wasn't heard tonight on the concepts below. Tonight, the committee will receive testimony on the following legislative concepts for consideration during the special session starting at 6 pm. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard in the process. - * LC 10 – Restaurant Relief Package
- * LC 18 – Eviction Moratorium Extension and Landlord Compensation Fund
- * LC 21 – School Liability Protections
- * LC 28 – Emergency Fund Allocation
The process for accepting public testimony was announced last night. Following the procedures outlined below will ensure that your testimony becomes part of the record. You can provide written or verbal testimony to the committee. Written testimony can be submitted by email to Testimony will be posted online to the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS) and made publicly available here. The public record will be extended 24 hours after the committee meeting begins. You must register to testify by phone or video. To sign up, you can either use the online form here or call 833-588-4500 for assistance. Registration closes at 1 pm this afternoon, December 17, 2020. Although the Capitol Building remains closed to the public, meetings will take place remotely and will be live streamed here. Locate the meeting date and click on the camera icon at the designated time. I welcome your thoughts and feedback as I prepare for Monday's special session. Sincerely, ""Rick Lewis State Representative House District 18 Oregon's Christmas Tree District Capitol Phone: 503-986-1418 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-484, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: |