From: Rep Lewis

Sent: Tue May 30 16:48:35 2017

To: Dan Huff; Jimmy Thompson; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Stoneplace Apartments LLC, WQ/SW-NWR-2017-042, Notice of Civil Penalty

Importance: Normal

Attachments: StoneplaceApt_17-042_CPIssued 05 10 2017.pdf;


Attached is the letter from DEQ concerning the fine at Stoneplace Apartments. They did not indicate it was confidential, so I’m assuming it is a public record.

Best wishes;

Rick Lewis

State Representative

House District 18

From: MEADOR Minnette []

Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 10:27 AM

To: REP Lewis <>

Cc: ELLSWORTH Mark * GOV <>; MASON Palmer <>

Subject: FW: Stoneplace Apartments LLC, WQ/SW-NWR-2017-042, Notice of Civil Penalty

Dear Representative Lewis -

Per the conversation Nina DeConcini had with Dillon on 5/11/17, attached are the supporting documents for the enforcement penalty DEQ has issued in your district.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact her by phone at: 503-229-6271 or by e-mail at:

Thank you!


Minnette "Mimi" Meador

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Assistant to Nina DeConcini, NW Region Division Administrator

700 NE Multnomah, Portland OR 97232

Office: 503.229.5372

Fax: 503.229.6957