January 30, 2024


Colin Polk

Prosper Portland

220 NW 2nd Ave., Suite 200

Portland, OR 97209


RE:  No Further Action Determination

 for USPS – Fleet Operations in Portland

 LUST #26-92-0068


Colin Polk:


The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has completed a review of available file information for the USPS – Fleet Operations site/property in Portland, including the Addendum to UST Decommissioning Report prepared by Stantec Consulting Services on October 13, 2023 on your behalf. The USPS – Fleet Operations site address is 715 NW Hoyt Street, Tax Lots 1N1E34BC-00100 & -00200.


DEQ has determined that remedial action to address environmental contamination at the USPS – Fleet Operations site is complete, and no further action is required. This determination is a result of our evaluation and judgment based on the DEQ regulations and the facts as we now understand them including the following:


 The 13.37-acre site is bounded by NW Lovejoy Street to the north, NW Hoyt Street to the south, NW Broadway to the east, and NW 9th Avenue to the west.

 The Northern Pacific Terminal Company established a railyard at the site in the 1880s. The railyard operated through the 1950s.

 The United States Postal Service (USPS) constructed a Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) and a Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) on the site in 1962. USPS purchased the site in 1974.

 Five underground storage tanks (USTs) were decommissioned by removal from the VMF in March 1992: a 10,000-gallon gasoline UST, two 5,000-gallon diesel fuel USTs, a 1,000-gallon heating oil UST, and a 300-gallon waste oil UST.

 A total of 226 tons of petroleum-contaminated soils (PCS) were excavated from around the USTs and shipped to the Hillsboro Landfill for disposal.

 Residual concentrations of gasoline and diesel exceeding Level II Soil Matrix Cleanup standards remained at the site but could not be removed without undermining a fuel pump island and the VMF.

 A new 10,000-gallon diesel fuel UST was installed at the VMF in June 1992.

 In August 1993, a 25,000-gallon heating oil tank (HOT) was decommissioned by removal from the south side of the P&DC. Approximately 321 tons of PCS were excavated from around the HOT and shipped to Oregon Hydrocarbon for thermal treatment and disposal.

 A pocket of heating oil impacted soils could not be removed without undermining the P&DC.

 DEQ issued a No Further Action determination for the UST removals and cleanups in June 1997, noting the residual pockets of contamination. “Should conditions change allowing access to the contamination, you are responsible for further evaluation of the remaining contamination and any cleanup necessary at that time.”

 The Portland Development Commission, now known as Prosper Portland, purchased the site for redevelopment in 2016. USPS vacated the site in 2018.

 The VMF was demolished in August 2020, and the 10,000-gallon diesel UST installed in June 1992 was decommissioned by removal in September 2020. Approximately 1,390 tons of PCS were removed from the VMF area and shipped to the Hillsboro Landfill for disposal.

 Demolition of the P&DC began in February 2023 and continued through the end of the year.

 In September 2023, 25 tons of residual PCS were excavated from the former 25,000-gallon HOT location on the south side of the P&DC.

 The two pockets of residual petroleum contamination referenced in the June 1997 NFA letter have been removed from the site.

 The depth to shallow groundwater ranges from 10-20 feet below ground surface at the site. The shallow groundwater was not significantly impacted by releases from the USTs.


Based on the available information, soil conditions at the USPS – Fleet Operations site are currently protective of public health and the environment in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rules 340-122-0205 through 340-122-0360. The site requires no further action unless new or previously undisclosed information becomes available, or there are changes in site development or land and water uses, or more contamination is discovered. DEQ will update the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database to reflect this decision.


This letter only applies to the release(s) discussed above. If any contaminated media is encountered in the future, it must be handled and disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.


A copy of the Addendum to UST Decommissioning Report from Stantec Consulting Services supporting this No Further Action decision can be viewed on DEQ's LUST database. DEQ recommends keeping a copy of all of the documentation associated with this remedial action with the permanent facility records. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Dana at 503-229-5369, or via email at kevin.dana@deq.oregon.gov.






Kevin Parrett, Manager

Northwest Region Cleanup Section


Attachments:  1997 NFA Letter

   Site Maps


cc:  Graeme Taylor, Stantec

 LUST #26-92-0068 File