From: Sam Miller
Sent: Mon Oct 28 16:03:08 2019
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: PW34-2019 Permit 415 Center Ave.
Importance: Normal
This is pulled straight out of our “Molalla Standards Specifications for Public Works. You also can find a copy on our web-site. Please follow the approved Permit that was issued. If you want to make any changes to the original permit, you will need to submit for review and approval. Please let me know if you have any question.
2.2.34 Utilities
The following specifies the minimum requirements for utilities:
a. Franchised utilities shall be located underground, outside the paved road if possible, to avoid future cuts in pavement.
b. A Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be required adjacent to right-of-ways on all frontages to public roadways; PUE widths shall be as provided in conformance with Subsection 1.17.14, “Easements,” and the City’s detail drawings. PUE’s shall be graded as per Subsection 2.2.27, “Curbs and Grading Outside of Street,” from back of curb or sidewalk unless otherwise approved by the City’s authorized representative. Earthen berms or any other encroachments are not allowed within a PUE.
c. On all phased (interim) road improvements, the necessary utilities shall be stubbed across the interim improvement to assure that cuts are not necessary when the road is expanded to its full width. A 5-year moratorium will prohibit street cuts on all projects. The moratorium begins when a project is complete and the warranty begins. Check with the Public Works Department for a current list of streets on the 5-year moratorium.
d. Except for sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water mains, underground utilities intended to provide direct service to adjacent properties with future connections shall not be located in the full-width paved section of a street to be constructed.
e. Underground utilities that must cross an existing paved street shall not be installed by any method that cuts the pavement, unless approved by the City’s authorized representative.
f. Underground utilities shall be buried a minimum depth of 36 inches, measured from finished grade to top of utility.
Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.
City of Molalla
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038
T : 503-759-0217 | E: