From: Tyesha Woods

Sent: Thu Jul 16 12:53:32 2020

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: PGE Claim Denial

Importance: Normal


Hi Andy,

Thank you for sharing the letter you received. I understand you and Gerald plan to review your next steps. Please let me know how I can be of support to you. I'm here to help!


Kindest Regards.


Tyesha Woods

Sr. Key Customer ManagerĀ . 503-464-7593 (o) . 971-347-4631 (c) . Follow us on social @PortlandGeneral






-----Original Message-----

From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:42 AM

To: Tyesha Woods <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: PGE Claim Denial



***Please take care when opening links, attachments or responding to this email as it originated outside of PGE.***



Tyesha, received this letter from PGE denying the City's claim for the Transfer Pump. Gerald and I will review the Cities options.






-----Original Message-----

From: <>

Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:18 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: Scan from City of Molalla


This E-mail was sent from "RNP002673C82AD7" (MP C6503).


Scan Date: 07.16.2020 10:17:54 (-0700)

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