From: Russell Dodge

Sent: Tue Apr 07 12:49:13 2020

To: Sam Miller

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Alice Cannon; Dan Zinder

Subject: RE: Fenton Avenue - PGE Poles

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg; image003.jpg;


Thanks for the quick reply Sam.

Looking at the as-built I can’t find any sidewalk in relation to the right-of-way. I’ve been told there is going to be a sidewalk installed along Fenton Ave. Is there anything that shows the future sidewalk?

Thanks for your help!



Russell Dodge LSIT | Surveyor

Portland General Electric

121 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR 97204

Office: 503.464.8148

Cell: 503.715.7973

From: Sam Miller <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 12:09 PM

To: Russell Dodge <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>; Alice Cannon <>; Dan Zinder <>

Subject: RE: Fenton Avenue - PGE Poles

***Please take care when opening links, attachments or responding to this email as it originated outside of PGE.***


Good Afternoon Russell,

See attached as-builts for Fenton Ave. Let me know if this will work or if you have any more question. Thanks.


Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

T : 503-759-0217 | E:

From: Russell Dodge <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 11:22 AM

To: Sam Miller <>

Subject: Fenton Avenue - PGE Poles

Hello Sam,

I’m with the Portland General Electric Land Survey department. I previously emailed the City of Molalla Planning department but after some more digging I found you may be more helpful. I’m aware that there is going to be a widening along Fenton Avenue. We are looking to relocate our poles so they are behind the sidewalk but within the right-of-way. I don’t have anything to show me where the back of walk is going to end up. Are there any plans you can send me for this? We’re going to send a survey crew this week or next week to pick up right-of-way and existing conditions hopefully.




Russell Dodge LSIT | Surveyor

Portland General Electric

121 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR 97204

Office: 503.464.8148

Cell: 503.715.7973