From: Heather Gonzalez
Sent: Mon Jan 13 15:11:38 2020
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: Melissa Griffith; Prereq Coord
Subject: M2760479 - 339 CHRISTOPHER ST City of Molalla Permit Application - BID AWARDED*
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; M2760479 City of Molalla Permit Application.pdf; M2760479 JOB SKETCH.pdf; Good Afternoon, I have attached our permit application and sketch for PGE job M2760479. I have included the contractors information as the bid for work was awarded. Please direct any questions to the project manager Darin Vess, at 503-612-2913. Kindly return all issued permits to Thank you, Heather Gonzalez Permit Coordinator Southern • 503-612-2978 4245 Kale St. NE, Salem, OR 97305 • Follow us on social @PortlandGeneral