From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Tue Apr 07 11:26:26 2020

To: Sam Miller

Cc: Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Fenton Ave. Widening - PGE Poles

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image003.jpg;


Hi Sam,

Can you help with this? I think you inspected the Fenton project and can probably help Mr. Dodge.

Let me know if you have any questions (though I know almost nothing…..remember Hogan’s Heroes? I know NAAAAWWWWthing!”


From: Russell Dodge <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 11:04 AM

To: Community Planner Distribution List <>

Subject: Fenton Ave. Widening - PGE Poles


I’m with the Portland General Electric Land Survey department. We are looking to relocate some of our poles on Fenton Avenue and I see that there is road widening planned. We would like to put our poles between the right-of-way and the back of sidewalk, per the City of Molalla, but I don’t have anything to show me where these sidewalks will be located. Is it possible for me to get a plan set of Fenton Avenue so we can relocate our poles correctly?

Let me know if there’s anything I can do or if I need to submit this request through someone specific.

Thank you,



Russell Dodge LSIT | Surveyor

Portland General Electric

121 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR 97204

Office: 503.464.8148

Cell: 503.715.7973