From: Rodrigo Torres Solis

Sent: Mon Apr 22 20:26:59 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Kristy Calene

Subject: RE: City Owned Laminated Pole to PGE Owned Fiberglass Replacement Project

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


You’re welcome Gerald.




From: Gerald Fisher <>

Date: April 22, 2019 at 6:27:52 PM PDT

To: Rodrigo Torres Solis <>

Cc: Kristy Calene <>

Subject: RE: City Owned Laminated Pole to PGE Owned Fiberglass Replacement Project



***Please take care when opening links, attachments or responding to this email as it originated outside of PGE.***


Thanks Rico.

From: Rodrigo Torres Solis <>

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 10:55 AM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Kristy Calene <>

Subject: City Owned Laminated Pole to PGE Owned Fiberglass Replacement Project

Hi John,

Thank you for taken the time to speak with me this morning. I’ve attached detail description of switching your Option B Laminated wood pole and MV & HPS fixtures to LED and Fiberglass poles.

Please keep me posted on your decision if you want to move forward with this project.


Rico Solis | Portland General Electric | Outdoor Lighting Services Western

2213 SW 153rd Dr| Beaverton, Oregon 97006 | (: 503.672.5417 | 7: 503.672.5555| *:
