From: Tyesha Woods

Sent: Tue Sep 10 10:43:52 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Andy Peters

Subject: Fwd: M2618571 - City of Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg; IMG_2986.jpg;


Hi Gerald,

I just wanted to reach out and confirm the light was removed from your city park as we discussed. I don’t see that you are being billed. A picture of the actual light pole is attached. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks...T Woods

(Sent from my iPhone)



From: Jeff Steigleder <>

Date: September 10, 2019 at 8:53:32 AM PDT

To: Tyesha Woods <>

Subject: RE: M2618571 - City of Molalla



Good Morning Tyesha, that work order is closed and yes the light was removed. Picture of the pole is attached.

Take care


From: Tyesha Woods

Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2019 2:58 PM

To: Jeff Steigleder <>

Subject: M2618571 - City of Molalla

Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. I am the newest Key Customer Manager assigned to the Sheridan, Sherwood, Newberg, Molalla, Woodburn and West Linn locations. I worked from the Salem office today and saw that you were out. I was wondering if you could please provide an update on M2618571?

I met with Andy Peters and Gerald Fisher with the City of Molalla on Friday 8/30 and they mentioned the removal of an area light from a city park. The address they provided was 729 Shirley. The work order referenced 809 Shirley St. Can you please confirm this light was removed. The work order is not closed and I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks…T Woods




Tyesha Woods




Sr. Key Customer Manager • 503-464-7593 (o) • 971-347-4631 (c)
 • Follow us on social @PortlandGeneral