From: Rodrigo Torres Solis
Sent: Mon Apr 22 10:55:08 2019
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: Kristy Calene
Subject: City Owned Laminated Pole to PGE Owned Fiberglass Replacement Project
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Molalla.Cust Lam Poles.xlsx; Hi John, Thank you for taken the time to speak with me this morning. I’ve attached detail description of switching your Option B Laminated wood pole and MV & HPS fixtures to LED and Fiberglass poles. Please keep me posted on your decision if you want to move forward with this project. Thanks, Rico Solis | Portland General Electric | Outdoor Lighting Services Western 2213 SW 153rd Dr| Beaverton, Oregon 97006 | (: 503.672.5417 | 7: 503.672.5555| *: